After the nuclear epics,about 380,000 years from the big bang, the temperature continues to cool, and electrons are captured by protons and nucleus to form hydrogen atoms and helium atoms. This period is called the compound period.
After the compound is over, most of the protons in the universe become neutral atoms. Therefore, the photons are no longer disturbed and can travel freely in the universe. This cosmic event is called photon decoupling.
Before decoupling occurs,most photons interact with electrons and protons in the photon-baryon fluid,resulting in an opaque or “foggy” universe.
At this point, the universe began to become transparent. The first undisturbed photons arrived at us after a long period of time and distance. As the space expands, the wavelength increases with time, the light becomes weaker and the energy is lower.
Finally, these light from the depths of the universe become microwave noise with a wavelength of 7.35 cm, and their temperature in the black body radiation spectrum is about 3K. This is the microwave background radiation we are familiar with.
In order to detect these microwave background radiation, WMAP came into being.
This is the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe,or”WMAP”
It was launched to scan the early universe for the find-scale origins of this cosmin atlas.
WMAP traveled beyond any interference from Earth,to a posion balanced between the Earth and the Sun.
There,for two years,its detectors took in the pristine light of deep space.
This is what WMAP saw!
A pattern consistent with the filaments and voids that had evolved in the universe at large.
It came 38000 years after the big bang.
This is Cosmic microwave background radiation(CMB or CMBR)
It is an important source of data on the early universe because it is the oldest electromagnetic radiation in the universe, dating to the epoch of recombination.
With a traditional optical telescope, the space between stars and galaxies (the background) is completely dark. However, a sufficiently sensitive radio telescope shows a faint background noise, or glow, almost isotropic, that is not associated with any star, galaxy, or other object.
In this image, the temperature of the cosmic microwave background in the blackbody radiation spectrum is 2.72548± 0.00057k, which means that the brightest and darkest regions in the image are only about 0.00114k apart, revealing a profound principle: the universe is homogeneous and isotropic under large-scale observation.
在这张图片中,宇宙微波背景在黑体辐射光谱的温度为2.72548±0.00057 K,即图片中最亮的区域与最暗的区域仅仅只差了约0.00114K,这揭示了一个影响深刻的原则:在大尺度的观测下,宇宙是均质与各向同性的。
One of the winners of this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics is related to CMB.
Peebles has made many important contributions to the Big Bang model. With Dicke and others (nearly two decades after George Gamow, Ralph A. Alpher and Robert C. Herman), Peebles predicted the cosmic microwave background radiation.
皮布尔斯对大爆炸模型做出了许多重要贡献。在乔治·伽莫夫, 拉尔夫·阿尔菲和罗伯特·赫尔曼预测微波背景辐射近二十年之后,他与罗伯特·迪克等人解释了宇宙微波背景辐射是大爆炸的印记。