一、题目:如何克服想法和目标太多?(Why do we fail to follow through on our ideas)
二、日期:2022/2/6 (篇数:2/6)
1.Paradox of choice 选择悖论
More choice often leads to less action. The more ideas and goals we pursue,the less likely we’ll follow through on any of them.(多即是少;少即是多)
There are other explanations:Lack of time,fear of failure,overwhelm from multiple choices. That drain energy and a decline of excitement,lead to chronic procrastination.(乱花渐欲迷人眼)
2.Five ways to follow through on your ideas 5个坚持目标的方法
(1)Create mini-deadline(设置截止日期):The more time it takes to complete a task the greater the likelihood that we fall victim to Parkinson’s law.
(2)Use the 80/20 rule(利用二八法则):The key is to experiment,discover and focus your time and energy on the 20% activities that yield the 80% returns.
(3)Trust your gut(相信直觉):Often snap judgement made within seconds lead to better decision than a more cautious,thoroughly planned approach.
(4)Develop the habit of finishing(善始善终):Finish what you start.
(5)Practice quitting(学会放弃):Redirect time and energy on an unfruitful idea or goal.
3.Parkinson’s law 帕金森定律
Works expands to fill the time available for its completion.(时间总会被填满)
Falling in love with starting is easy,falling in love with finishing is hard,but if you can learn to fall in love with the art of finishing and the process of overcoming adversity,failure and working around obstacles,you’ll consistently follow through on your ideas.