1 - 阅读感悟
(1) In reading the life of Su Tngpo, we have been following and observing the life of a great human mind and spirit, as they took temporary shape on this earth. Su Tungpo died and his name is only a memory, but he has left behind for all of us the joys of his spirit and the pleasures of his mind, and these are imperishable.
(2) “I have been a friend of your father for over forty years, and although we have had political differences, our friendship never altered.”
(3) After all, the phrase "a good man" is one of the highest tributes a man can aspire to have when time comes of summing up his career and character.
内心要靠表象来体现,但是表象也能迷惑人眼,让人难以判断人是好人还是坏人。皇太后没有受外界因素的过多干扰,用simple feminine wisdom来判断好人坏人。作判断时,注意排除无关的外界因素这点,值得借鉴。
2 - Words & Expressions
(形容词)making you feel great pity使人极度伤心的,令人悲痛的。 = heartbreaking
(形容词)going from one place to another in a way that is longer than the most direct way迂回的,绕道的。
(3)drag on
if an event or situation drags on, it continues for too long〔事情〕拖延地进行 [+ for ]
【例】an expensive court battle that could drag on for years可能拖延好几年的费用昂贵的官司
(4)run its course