- 1 集成了大量的公开数据集---从公开领域闲聊到专业的视觉问题问答一应俱全
- 2 海量参考模型
- 3 无缝衔接亚马逊Mechanical Turk系统,完成数据收集,训练和人工评估
mkdir parlAI
git clone
cd ParlAI; python develop
Cloning into 'ParlAI'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 47, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (47/47), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (44/44), done.
remote: Total 24850 (delta 18), reused 10 (delta 3), pack-reused 24803
Receiving objects: 100% (24850/24850), 28.80 MiB | 1.36 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (17462/17462), done.
这个测试是在1k训练样本的BabI任务上随机输出 10条任务1的样例结果
python examples/ -t babi:task1k:1
[ optional arguments: ]
[ display_ignore_fields: agent_reply ]
[ max_display_len: 1000 ]
[ num_examples: 10 ]
[ Main ParlAI Arguments: ]
[ batchsize: 1 ]
[ datapath: /home/xxx/parlAI/ParlAI/data ]
[ datatype: train:stream ]
[ download_path: /home/xxx/parlAI/ParlAI/downloads ]
[ hide_labels: False ]
[ image_mode: raw ]
[ init_opt: None ]
[ multitask_weights: [1] ]
[ numthreads: 1 ]
[ show_advanced_args: False ]
[ task: babi:task1k:1 ]
[ ParlAI Model Arguments: ]
[ dict_class: None ]
[ init_model: None ]
[ model: None ]
[ model_file: None ]
[ PytorchData Arguments: ]
[ batch_length_range: 5 ]
[ batch_sort_cache_type: pop ]
[ batch_sort_field: text ]
[ numworkers: 4 ]
[ pytorch_context_length: -1 ]
[ pytorch_datapath: None ]
[ pytorch_include_labels: True ]
[ pytorch_preprocess: False ]
[ pytorch_teacher_batch_sort: False ]
[ pytorch_teacher_dataset: None ]
[ pytorch_teacher_task: None ]
[ shuffle: False ]
[ ParlAI Image Preprocessing Arguments: ]
[ image_cropsize: 224 ]
[ image_size: 256 ]
[ Current ParlAI commit: e8d0a75d291c7bb4b4e5565d60a899f794c10963 ]
[creating task(s): babi:task1k:1]
[building data: /home/xxx/parlAI/ParlAI/data/bAbI]
[ downloading: to /home/xxx/parlAI/ParlAI/data/bAbI/babi.tar.gz ]
Downloading babi.tar.gz: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 19.2M/19.2M [00:05<00:00, 3.29MB/s]
unpacking babi.tar.gz
[loading fbdialog data:/home/xxx/parlAI/ParlAI/data/bAbI/tasks_1-20_v1-2/en-valid-nosf/qa1_train.txt]
[loading fbdialog data:/home/xxx/parlAI/ParlAI/data/bAbI/tasks_1-20_v1-2/en-valid-nosf/qa1_train.txt]
[babi:task1k:1]: Mary moved to the bathroom.
John went to the hallway.
Where is Mary?
[labels: bathroom]
[label_candidates: office|hallway|kitchen|bathroom|bedroom|...and 1 more]
[babi:task1k:1]: Daniel went back to the hallway.
Sandra moved to the garden.
Where is Daniel?
[labels: hallway]
[label_candidates: office|hallway|kitchen|bathroom|bedroom|...and 1 more]
[babi:task1k:1]: John moved to the office.
Sandra journeyed to the bathroom.
Where is Daniel?
[labels: hallway]
[label_candidates: office|hallway|kitchen|bathroom|bedroom|...and 1 more]
[babi:task1k:1]: Mary moved to the hallway.
Daniel travelled to the office.
Where is Daniel?
[labels: office]
[label_candidates: office|hallway|kitchen|bathroom|bedroom|...and 1 more]
[babi:task1k:1]: John went back to the garden.
John moved to the bedroom.
Where is Sandra?
[labels: bathroom]
[label_candidates: office|hallway|kitchen|bathroom|bedroom|...and 1 more]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[babi:task1k:1]: Sandra travelled to the office.
Sandra went to the bathroom.
Where is Sandra?
[labels: bathroom]
[label_candidates: office|hallway|kitchen|bathroom|bedroom|...and 1 more]
[babi:task1k:1]: Mary went to the bedroom.
Daniel moved to the hallway.
Where is Sandra?
[labels: bathroom]
[label_candidates: office|hallway|kitchen|bathroom|bedroom|...and 1 more]
[babi:task1k:1]: John went to the garden.
John travelled to the office.
Where is Sandra?
[labels: bathroom]
[label_candidates: office|hallway|kitchen|bathroom|bedroom|...and 1 more]
[babi:task1k:1]: Daniel journeyed to the bedroom.
Daniel travelled to the hallway.
Where is John?
[labels: office]
[label_candidates: office|hallway|kitchen|bathroom|bedroom|...and 1 more]
[babi:task1k:1]: John went to the bedroom.
John travelled to the office.
Where is Daniel?
[labels: hallway]
[label_candidates: office|hallway|kitchen|bathroom|bedroom|...and 1 more]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[ loaded 180 episodes with a total of 900 examples ]