- 刷机
- 刷机完成后的操作
- 安装TensorFlow1.0.1
- install TensorFlow v1.2.1
刷机的目的是把Ubuntu操作系统和JetPack SDK安装到Jetson TX2上。刷机的操作按照官方教程即可,比较容易。这个过程中有一点需要注意:Jetson TX2和宿主机Host必须连接在同一个路由器之下。Host会先把操作系统刷到TX2上,这一步是通过数据线连接的方式完成,然后使用SSH的方式安装Host上的SDK到TX2,所以Host和TX2需要连接在同一个路由器下,方便Host找到TX2的ip地址。
刷机开始的时候需要将TX2设置到RECOVRY MODE,设置方法在安装过程中会给出提示,请仔细阅读该提示即可完成操作。
这一部分主要是卸载Ubuntu里面一些不必要的软件,腾出更多磁盘空间。具体请参照jetsonHacks的postFlashTX1。我只是卸载了Libre Office,因为在以后的开发过程中不会用到这些。
另外,上面的教程也提供了添加swap file的脚本。添加swap file是为了在硬盘上创建虚拟内存,给编译像TensorFlow这种大型的项目提供足够的内存。例如TX2的真实内存只有8G,编译TF也需要至少8G的内存,所以有必要创建虚拟内存空间。
添加虚拟内存空间的操作,我直接参考了“How to install TensorFlow on the NVIDIA Jetson TX2?”中的Step 4:Create a Swap File,在磁盘上创建了8G的虚拟空间。
1. 创建8G大小的swapfile
fallocate -l 8G swapfile
2. 更改swapfile的权限
chmod 600 swapfile
3. 创建swap区
mkswap swapfile
4. 激活swap区
sudo swapon swapfile
5. 确认swap区在用
swapon -s
对于普通的Ubuntu、Windows等系统,TensorFlow提供了简单的pip方式,分为有GPU和无GPU版本,但是pip安装方式存在一个问题,TensorFlow执行CPU计算的效率低,没有优化,所以最好的安装方式是重新编译源码。另外,TX2的CPU是ARM架构,混合NVIDIA自家的CPU,所以目前只能重新编译、再安装TensorFlow。安装步骤直接按照TensorFlow on NVIDIA Jetson TX2 Development Kit即可。
如果你参考了How to install TensorFlow on the NVIDIA Jetson TX2?”中修改TF源码关于NUMA的部分。可能在你修改的时候,你会发现有所不同,文件tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_gpu_executor.cc
static int TryToReadNumaNode(const string &pci_bus_id, int device_ordinal){
#ifdef __aarch64__
LOG(INFO) << "ARM64 does not support NUMA - returning NUMA node zero";
return 0;
由于TX2的ARM架构不支持NUMA,所以在build TensorFlow之前需要修改一下clone到本地的源码,具体中添加如下两行内容,避免后面使用TF的时候出现错误
LOG(INFO) << "ARM has no NUMA node, hardcoding to return zero";
return 0;
如图: install TensorFlow v1.2.1 on TX2
To use mobilenet on TX2 for object detection task, I have to use a newer TensorFlow than version 1.0.1. TF 1.2.1 is good for me, while JetsonHacks does not give guide to install TF 1.2.1 or some other versions but 1.0.1. After searching the Internet and read many talks on nvidia jetson forum, I get TF 1.2.1 working on TX2. Here is the steps:
- install Bazel 0.5.2 from official website
nvidia@tegra-ubuntu:~$ bazel version
Build label: 0.5.2- (@non-git)
Build target: bazel-out/local- opt/bin/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/bazel/BazelServer_deploy.jar
Build time: Fri Aug 4 08:22:07 2017 (1501834927)
Build timestamp: 1501834927
Build timestamp as int: 1501834927
- clone and checkout v1.2.1 for tensorflow
# from $HOME/
git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow
cd ./tensorflow
git checkout v1.2.1
- ./configure
All setting is default (just type ENTER) except for CUDA set to 'y'
- fix
to get the right Eigen version for out ARMv8 on TX2
is in./tensorflow/tensorflow/
, feel free to open it use some text editor or vim, find lines as follows:
name = "eigen_archive",
urls = [
# "http://mirror.bazel.build/bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/get/f3a22f35b044.tar.gz",
# "https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/get/f3a22f35b044.tar.gz",
# sha256 = "ca7beac153d4059c02c8fc59816c82d54ea47fe58365e8aded4082ded0b820c4",
# strip_prefix = "eigen-eigen-f3a22f35b044",
sha256 = "a34b208da6ec18fa8da963369e166e4a368612c14d956dd2f9d7072904675d9b",
strip_prefix = "eigen-eigen-d781c1de9834",
build_file = str(Label("//third_party:eigen.BUILD")),
the lines above those starting with #
are the source text, and I just use #
to commet these lines and new urls, sha256 and strip_prefix are added.
- bazel build
If you do notswapon swapfile
, do it before build TF and thenbazel build
as following.
bazel build -c opt --local_resources 3072,4.0,1.0 --cxxopt="-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0" --verbose_failures --config=cuda //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package
bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package /tmp/tensorflow_pkg
now you get tensorflow 1.2.1 on /tem/tensorflow_pkg/
, use
sudo pip install tensorflow-1.2.1-cp27-cp27mu-linux_aarch64.whl