当原则 遇上心动就会不停破例.
When the principle meets the heart will keep making exceptions.
我爱你 心就特别软 平淡也温暖 无语也浪漫.
I love you heart is particularly soft insipid also warm speechless romantic.
爱不爱的 我都不想猜 憋不住就告诉我.
Love or not, I don't want to guess, tell me.
如果有机会的话 我想和你一起喝奶茶 一起看电影 一起吹晚风回家 一起走剩下的路 我的意思是:和你.
If I had the chance, I'd like to drink milk tea with you, watch movies with you, blow night breezes home with you for the rest of the way I mean: with you.
你问我海的那边还是海嘛 我现在站在海边 我想告诉你 海的那边是想念你的我.
You ask me the other side of the sea or the sea I now stand on the sea I want to tell you that the sea is the other side of me miss you.
Love is justice, love is support.
Love is justice, love is support.
忘掉过去种的花 去爱有结果的树.
Forget the flowers planted in the past and love the trees that bear fruit.
我不好 我不重要 不用你说 我都知道.
I'm not good, I don't matter. I don't need you to tell me.