其实本周的话呢?一直在决定说要写一些什么。虽然也确实看完了一些书(Few more English-Novel in English version and a English-Novel in Chinese version.),但确实是因为懒惰的原因以及时间管理上的不合理导致一直迟迟没有更新。
终于在今天2017年1月8日。参加了 Toastmaster(国际演讲俱乐部)我们 BJADV 的常规会议以后深刻的意识到了,参与感给我带来的享受与改变。随后在下午,参加了 B 中区举办的 COT (Club Officer Meeting) 在摩托罗拉 107房间举办的新官员培训。更是深刻的感受到了参与进其中和作为一个观众的大不同。
我们的演讲旅程中,有一个很重要的一课是:Persuade With Power(强有力的激励),那么这次就由我来和大家说说参与其中给我带来的改变吧。同时也鼓励大家都参与进去任何你所想要加入的社团、集体。
还记得第一次参加 Toastmaster 俱乐部是在去年的六月份,经好友 Caesar 介绍,加入了 星期日早上(每个星期日都有常规会议)10点至12点,位于 亮马桥 现代汽车大厦 15层 的 BJadv-TMC 常规会议。然后就深深地被演讲的魅力所折服与吸引了。
At the very begining, my introduction was: Hi, everyone. My name is Sunday Yan. I work for a state own enterprise in Fangshan Discrict, it was a boring work actually. But I don't want to quite my job, cause I want to get more experience. And that is why I come here.
在我一开始的介绍中,我曾说:我参加本次会议,是因为我想要得到更多的经验与阅历。然后我一直难以忘记,在我发完言以后,大家所给我的鼓励。( Fenny, Muse, Frances. Somethings they did that were really warming up me.)那以后,我成为了一名 Rugular Guest 每个星期日早上十点都准时来参加会议。慢慢的从只做开场介绍,到参加 Table Topic Section(即兴演讲环节)深深的陷入进入,不能自拔。尤其是每次结束发言以后,即使说得并不完美,但是依然可以感受到,台下的听众那种聚精会神地专注。只要你站在舞台上,底下的听众就会被你吸引。
在不久后的一次会议结束后,我的 Sponsor Caesar 推荐我参加一次夏季的 COT(Club Officer Meeting),当天由于是作为 Guest 的身份,所以一直跟着忙前忙后,帮忙拍照,帮忙搬桌椅。一开始只是觉得:这么难得的机会哦,和这么多出色的小伙伴一起共同学习,别的也不能提供给大家什么帮组,所以帮大家做好后勤工作吧。那次 Training 上第一次感受到:虽然我一副生人面孔,不过没有任何人对我表现出不礼貌,大家都很照顾对方的情绪,即使是作为没有任何身份参与会议的我。
慢慢的,我学到了在 Toastmaster 中成长的精髓: Learn By Doing 是的,通俗翻译来可以理解为:学以致用。当你学到一个新知识以后就把它用出来。
That is why many people who wants to learn English but did not learn it well. That is the reason, cause they did not learn by doing. They only input something without output. Input is important, and output also important. If we only input new things, days later, we will forget it. But what if we use it, especially when we say it in front of many audiences at the stage, we will remember it deeply.
在这之后,我渐渐开始以 Timer(时间官)& Ah-Counter(哼哈官)的身份来担任会议的 Role 和其他小伙伴一起促使一次会议顺利召开。这过程中我深刻的体会到了:参与其中所带来的乐趣。
Actually, my English basement is not as good as others, but if I want to make the regular meeting successed with other fellows. I should practice more, that is the one important thing which I was learned in WSE. So I was practicing the introction of the different roles for at least five days. After that, when I stand in the stage, I feel not only nervous, but also powerful, cause my heart was beating so quickly. Then I founded that I true love that feeling which is enjoyable.
六个月后,我已经成为了一名正式的 Member in BJADV-TMC 在这过程中,完成了三个 Speech(Audition, CC1, CC2),担任了很多 role(Toastmaster, Table Topic Master, Table Topic Evaluator, Timer, Ah-counter, Grammarian, Evaluator.)在参与进来的过程中,我发现我不但得到了更多的经验,反而太多意想不到的事情发生了。
I have been met so many good friends in the meeting. I have been shared much experience which I could not share with out of Toastmaster. I got many crazy ideas, such as the best way to persuade is not to persuade & do not tell the audience what the right is, try to deliver some question to let them say by themselves, cause them already knew that just did not notice that. Then I got many siencere wishes from my friends, also I got many useful suggestions that help me improve the communication between my family members.
今天,我作为我们俱乐部的 Secretary 以及会场的 Greeter 参加了本次的 COT(Club Officer Meeting)如果要对比本次参加 COT 与半年前参加 COT 最直接的不同是:我实实在在的能够吸收到讲师们所想要表达的观点,虽然不是全部。上一次我是真的被 其他优秀志愿者的魅力所感染,而这次我也有了属于我应该完成的任务:帮助本次 Training 做好签到工作,这是一个很好的机会给大家带来一个轻松的氛围,因为每一位 Member 进来以后第一个见到的就是我,所以能否让他们感受到被欢迎十分重要。这之后的过程中确确实实收获到了很多肯定的目光,以前从来没有想到,自己会因为这样一个简单的工作而被肯定,尤其是在工作中。真的是太爱这种参与进来的感觉了。