River Tagus 塔古斯河
Mozambique 莫桑比克
You can't have everything. 呵呵鱼与熊掌不可兼得。
Unmarried men who carry a small pot of basil are looking for someone to share their life with, so they look avidly around, hoping to find the woman of their dreams then they deliver their humble plant as a token of their love.
sardines 沙丁鱼
basil 罗勒
pasteis de Belem 葡式蛋挞
custard tart 奶油蛋挞
icing sugar 糖粉
barnacles 藤壶
He clung to his mother like a barnacle, ie followed her closely everywhere. 他形影不离地跟着母亲.
horse mackerel 竹荚鱼
paella 西班牙海鲜饭
spatchcocked chicken 现杀现宰的鸡
toffee 太妃糖
fudge 软糖 chocolate/walnut fudge巧克力[核桃]软糖
Mediterranean Diet 地中海菜式
corvina 石首鱼
grouper 石斑鱼
Iberian pork 伊比利亚猪肉
vinho verde 绿葡萄酒
rabbit warren 养兔场
lost in a warren of narrow streets 在纵横交错的狭窄街道上迷了路
monastery 修道院
a closely guarded secret 绝密
trams 有轨电车
a house with terracotta tiles 瓦片房
cervejaria 小饭馆
a marriage of seafood and meat 两者的结合
Spanish galleon in the time of Armada 西班牙无敌舰队
intrepid:brave, fearless
intrepid explorers
a soft touch 耳根子软的人
aqueduct: structure for carrying water across country, esp one built like a bridge over a
valley or low ground 输水道(跨越地域的输送水的结构, 尤指通过河谷或低地的桥状高架水道),高架渠
a perfection in seafood 海鲜极品
dilapidated 落败的,荒凉的
in time travel 穿越时空/ a travel machine
variegated: adj marked irregularlywith differently coloured patches, streaks, spots, etc 杂色的; 斑驳的:
variegated geranium leaves, pansy flowers, etc杂色的天竺葵叶﹑ 三色堇花等 *
mazi 迷宫
glen 峡谷
mime 哑剧
forte:n(ususing通常作单数) thing that sb does particularly well; strong point 某人擅长的事; 长处; 特长:Mathematics was never my forte.数学一向非我所长.
cookery programme 美食节目
all-day breakfast 全日早餐,全天供应的早餐
press the lever 按压一下
be dead on its feet 濒临死亡
get gauge/feedback from sb. 得到反馈
vibrant---vibrancy: full of activity or energy in a way that is exciting and attractive 热情洋溢的
Chin chin to sb. 再会