10.29 每日一词
词: norm
the usual or normal situation. way of doing sth.
In China marrying young is no longer the social norm.
norm, 作为normal的名词形式,意思是,常态,规范,标准,在有的语境下还可以翻译为“见怪不怪”,“稀松平常”
norm 可以用单数,可以用复数,在做单数时一般会用“ the norm”,常用作:be/become the norm
比如:在很多国家私生子正在变得稀松平常 (生词/短语:wedlock:婚姻状态,born in wedlock:婚生的,有法定父母的,born out of wedlock:非婚生)
Births out of wedlock are becoming the norm in many countries.
Bilingual education remains the norm in international schools throughout non-English-speaking countries.
The social norm "men should earn more than their wives" remains unchanged.
Immersive, 360-degree experiences, complete with touch and temperature sensations, should become the norm.
最后,norm的派生词,normality, 一样都是名词,但是“normality"的意思是正常的状态,go back to normality: 恢复正常;而“norm”的意思是长期行程的一种规范,它和“exception”(例外)相对。
翻译:The creative people always deviate from the norm, rather than accept it.
标准答案:Creative minds tend to challenge and even deviate from the norm, rather than conform to it.
体会:creative minds, tend to,感觉都是非常母语化的表达, confirm to the norm: 固守常规?表达棒棒哒!
造句:Grocery Shopping from E-commerce platform has become a new norm nowadays.