Before we started
I can not promise to fix all your problems,but I can promise you won't have to face them alone.
Why python
Every language has it’s pros and cons along with the use cases it’s best suited for. The 3 most popular uses of Python are data crunching, writing web application back ends and automation scripts. Python is arguably the best language for beginners due to the underlying principles of the design of the language that focus on clarity and simplicity.
someone said this:
life is short, use python
and it's true,you will know.
The big map
How to do it
It’s simple. Pick a tutorial and complete it. Then, pick another. Rest and Repeat.
- step1: 看完这篇文章。你会对如何学习python有一个全局的了解。
A realistic roadmap to becoming a Python developer - By Ramit Mittal - step2: 看看官方网站。随便看看,了解一下。
python官网 - step3: 开始敲代码
Learn Python - Free Interactive Python Tutorial
这个是中文的。非常好的教程。 - Online Python Editor and IDE - Fast, Powerful, Free
Please know
- 直接使用google搜索任何问题。国内的搜索引擎,往往会浪费你大量的时间看无用的东西。
- 尽早学习git,非常非常有用。
- 编辑器就用vscode吧。Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined
Useful info
各个阶段的python学习路线? - 知乎
Python教程 - 廖雪峰的官方网站
Python 的练手项目有哪些值得推荐? - 知乎
2017年30个惊艳的Python开源项目 - CSDN研发技术 - CSDN博客