Keep 会议的亮点优点:
Improve 提升优化的点:
Stop 停止做什么:
Start 开始改进什么:
目标:Speak up with confidence and fluency
Keep 会议的亮点优点:
Simina and Simon came on the stage together and introduce the values and meeting taboos. I feel the way is new and interesting. At the start of the meeting, Simina seems a bit shy, and Simon behaved with confidence and his talks helped Simina find herself quickly.
For Gloria, it is a good way to interact with attendants when introducing the history and development of toastmasters. I finally remember how many clubs and members toastmasters have right now. Control your time and look forward to your next performance.
Ah-counter Roger flawlessly introduced his duties in the meeting and presented a complete report to us. You may tell us the types of unnecessary words for some fellows for your improvements next time.
Jacking made a big victory for finishing his role of being a timer. Being a Timer is a tough and busy job for everyone during the meeting. In SC magic club, we use two timers to take on the role. Practice makes perfect and Look forward to your next try.
The Grammarian Will did a very good job, especially in the 4-minute report.
Icebreaker Yun organized an interesting and easy-to-play game for us. Explaining the rules of any game in Chinese or English is not an easy work in such a short time. You may find 2 or 3 fellows to demonstrate the game when explaining the rule.
2. Masters:
TOM Aquamarine's openings were splendid and she even introduced the speakers in a little humorous way in the last half-session after break. I also like her hosting style. Practice more, I see a potentially wonderful host or moderator in you.
TTM brought us a happy night through her table topic session. Those topics are funny and easy to say something for everyone. Those should be persuasive speeches based on the questions. If a speaker can use at least one story or example to strengthen his/her persuasion next time, his/her performance will become better.
Summer talked to Javor in private to know on what points she should pay more attention during Javor's evaluation speech. Very professional and careful!
Gloria's evaluations are always good. Her satge style are open-minded and vital and the voice volume is adequate for everyone to hear easily and clearly. However. from my observation, Raymond put his feeling/opinions a bit much on his prepared speech instead of using stories/examples to support his opinions, you may point out any improvements for him. I would suggest Raymond do this project one more time because the speech seemed not to fit the goal of the project.
Javor, Micheal and TTE Eva did very well. Summer and I already made comments last night. No comments any more.
4. Speakers:I heard pomodoro technique many times but never tried once. Yannie's speech and beautiful PPT let me want to try it. I remembered a slide of the usage log.
1.Practice more and control time to finish any speech you prepared.
2. I acted as the general evaluator in English less. I less spoke out everyone's shining points last night, and will practice more in future.
Stop 停止做什么:
Start 开始改进什么:
1. Show the purpose of each project on the agenda in case some fellows do not understand the project well during the introduction to each prepared speech.
2. I need to train my listening skills more.