1. Diffusion Weighed Imaging
(1)What is diffusion, the diffusion is the movement of H2O molecules. In vessel, the molecules can be constrainted by calculi or other things. Annuse 1905, browanian motion connect heat to motion of moclecules.
Isotrophic diffusion, Anisotropic diffusion
(2) MRI can be used to evaluate diffusion restriction?
(3) ADC maps, Apparent Diffusion Coefficient,Areas with higher rate ofdiffusion are brighter,ADC is relative to the diffusion rate
2. Diffusion Tensor Imaging:
(1) Few definitions and mathematical concepts
- Scalar - Vector - Tensor
-Matric multiplication
-Matrix diagonalization
3. mathematical index
4) 表观扩散系数ADC( Apparent Diffussion Coefficient),ADC反映了所考察位置内水分子向三个特征方向的平均扩散能力。
5)分数各向异性FA( Fractional Anistotropy),FA是0到1之间的归一化指标,当λ1,λ2,λ3相互之间的差异约到时,FA值接近1,反映水分子扩散的各向异性越强。当λ1=λ2=λ3 =0时,FA = 0 ,反映了当前所考察位置的水分子扩散表现为各向同性。当水分子扩散的各向异性显著时( FA > 0.2 ),可以认为 e1的方向基本与经过当前位置的白质神经纤维的走行方向一致, 使得e1可以被用于进行白质神经纤维的跟踪与重建,这也是DTI 的最重要特点之一。除此以外,将 FA 与e1相结合进行彩色编码,用经过FA 加权的 RGB 颜色分量代替e1的三维坐标,所得到的彩色图像也有很多实际应用。