本系统配置了 3 个登录节点,260 个 CPU 计算节点(注意!),10 个 GPU 计算节点(注意!),一套 1.8P 共享存储。所有节点通过 100Gb/s EDR Infiniband 互联组成计算和存储网络。系统详细配置如下:
1) 登录管理节点:共 3 个登录节点。(只影响登陆)
2) GPU 计算节点:共 10 个 GPU 计算节点,每个节点配置 2 颗 Intel Golden 6240 系列处理
器(每个卡有18核处理器),共 36 个物理核,384GB 内存,8 个 NVIDIA V100 GPU 卡。
3) CPU 计算节点:共 260 个 CPU 计算节点,每个节点配置 2 颗 Intel Golden 6240 系列处
理器(每个卡18核处理器),共 36 物理核,384GB 内存(注意)(根据 IB 网络配置,单个作业最多使用 160 个计算节
4) 并行存储系统:配置一套 DDN 并行存储系统,共配置 1.8PB 存储容量。
5) 管理网络:配置一套千兆管理网;
6) 带外管理网络:配置一套千兆带外管理网;
7) 计算网络:配置一套 100Gb/s 高速 Infiniband 网。
- nn表示计算节点数,这里你可以自己选择,因为cpu最多160个计算节点
计算节点数/计算机数 = 每台计算机运行节点数
为什么要分配节点数,因为一台计算机的内存有限,最常见的原因是求解器所需的内存太多,无法在一台主机上运行。系统最大384GB 内存
- np表示核数
nn*np 是活动核数(每个节点不要超过36个)
/gs/home/xx/Comsol/comsol56/multiphysics/bin/comsol batch -nn 1 -nnhost 12 -np 12 -inputfile ${INPUTFILE} -outputfile ${OUTPUTFILE} \
-batchlog $
#SBATCH -N 4 # 使用 4 个节点
#SBATCH -n 20 # 共使用 20 个进程(cpu 核)
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=5 # 每个节点启动 5 个进程
Elapsed time is 97.883870 seconds.
#SBATCH -N 4 # 使用 4 个节点
#SBATCH -n 60 # 共使用 60 个进程(cpu 核)
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=15 # 每个节点启动 15 个进程
Elapsed time is 94.403575 seconds.
下载Linux版 matlab,这里都用2019.链接在 https://pan.baidu.com/s/17fBd0XX0At5cevaLzxUuhQ
注意把里面的破解包也下过来 密码:qalz本地解压后上传服务器端,你要直接用服务器7zip也行
chmod 777 /路径/install
直接cd到安装包所在文件夹/gs/home/XX/matlab/R2019b_Linux/,然后 ./install
结果: 报错
Error: Installation cannot proceed. You may either:
1. Set an X11 display, and restart the install process
2. Use the silent install feature by specifying the -mode silent option
- 修改后命令 ./install -mode silent
接着报错:说 the Installer cannot be run from inside the DVD directory. Change to your home directory and execute this command.
然后 ./install -mode silent -agreeToLicense yes -fileInstallationKey 09806-07443-53955-64350-21751-41297
Error: 不能在home文件创造xx(英文反正这个意思)
## Example:
## (Windows) destinationFolder=C:\Program Files\MATLAB\RXXXX
## (Unix) destinationFolder=/usr/local/RXXXX
## (Mac) destinationFolder=/Applications
## Set the desired value for destinationFolder and
## uncomment the line.
# destinationFolder=
## Example: fileInstallationKey=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx.....
## Set the desired value for fileInstallationKey and
## uncomment the line.
# fileInstallationKey=
./R2019b_Linux/install -mode silent -agreeToLicense yes -fileInstallationKey 09806-07443-53955-64350-21751-41297 -destinationFolder /gs/home/xx/Matlab
- 询问超算老师,得知是负载过高....
于是我把脚本放在这里了, 建立了脚本 install_mat.sh,注意要改成 LF格式。不然提交会报错说识别不了\n\r.
(Batch script contains DOS line breaks (\r\n))
#SBATCH -J std
#SBATCH -p cpu-normal
#SBATCH -n 20
#SBATCH -t 10000:00
#SBATCH --mail-type=all
#module load intel/17.0.7-thc
mkdir ${SLURM_JOBID}
./R2019b_Linux/install -mode silent -agreeToLicense yes -fileInstallationKey 09806-07443-53955-64350-21751-41297 -destinationFolder /gs/home/xx/Matlab
make install
Exiting with status 0
End - Successful.
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
make: *** No rule to make target `install`. Stop.
- 回来一看,准备打开,想起来还需要激活,于是看下前面crack的文件 readme.txt
- Install choosing the option "Use a File Installation Key" and supply the following FIK
- To install Matlab Production Server,using this
- Use license_standalone.lic to activate,
or copy license_standalone.lic to %installdir%\licenses\ ,and run matlab without activation
- after the installation finishes copy the folders to %installdir% to overwriting the originally installed files
需要在你安装的目录新建一个licenses的文件夹,把 license_standalone.lic 放进去
把 libmwlmgrimpl.so 这个文件取代安装位置bin/glnxa64/matlab_startup_plugins/lmgrimpl/中的同名文件,记着取代之前该原始文件权限777
(网上说需要./matlab -chome/usr/matlab2016/licenses/license_standalone.lic, 但是我直接matlab就打开了,前面也说直接copy就行,不知道为啥)
MATLAB is selecting SOFTWARE OPENGL rendering.
< M A T L A B (R) >
Copyright 1984-2019 The MathWorks, Inc.
R2019b ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
August 21, 2019
To get started, type doc.
For product information, visit www.mathworks.com.
>> 1+1
ans =
有些可能需要清空系统的缓存,命令rm -r -f ~/.matlab/(我没试过,总之看rp)
- 提交作业
两种方式: - 采用后台计算,并不是提交到计算节点上,cd到作业的目录,然后输入
nohup matlab -nodesktop -nosplash < test.m >running.log 2>running.err
- 采用脚本提交作业
# .bashrc
# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
. /etc/bashrc
# export SYSTEMD_PAGER="/gs/home/xx/Matlab/bin/matlab"
export PATH="/gs/home/baoyue/Matlab/bin/:$PATH"
# Uncomment the following line if you don't like systemctl's auto-paging feature:
# export SYSTEMD_PAGER="/gs/home/xx/Matlab/bin:$PATH"
# User specific aliases and functions
. ~/.bashrc
#SBATCH -J test # 任务名字是 test
#SBATCH -p cpu-normal # 提交到 normal 分区
#SBATCH -N 4 # 使用 4 个节点
#SBATCH -n 20 # 使用 20 个进程(cpu 核)
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=5 # 每个节点启动 5 个进程
#SBATCH -t 10000:00 # 任务最大运行时间是 10000 分钟
#SBATCH -o test.out #正确的输出
#SBATCH -e err.out #错误的输出
# module add matlab # 添加 MATLAB 模块,由于在超算中我们使用的是自己的matlab程序,所以这里不载入环境
matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -nodisplay -r "test_" # 使用 MATLAB 运行当前文件夹中的 Test.m 文件
1 如前一样。
2 按照流程安装comsol,其他没啥可说的。因为comsol需要无图形界面安装
需要修改 setupconfig.ini 文件,主要是一个静默安装、一个同意条款、安装文件路径、然后破解许可证文件路径。
# COMSOL automated installation answer file.
# Usage:
# 1) copy this file and modify the properties below
# 2) run setup -s <path to modified setupconfig.ini file>
# The setup program returns one of the following exit codes:
# 0: The installation was successful.
# 1: The installation was completed but there was at least one warning.
# 2: The installation was completed but there was at least one error.
# 3: The installation was completed but there was at least one fatal error.
# 4: The installation program exited before the installation was completed.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE! Before running the automated installer, make sure you have read
# and accepted the terms of the COMSOL AB Software License Agreement
# (see license_en_US.txt on the DVD).
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ============================================================================
# ============================================================================
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General
# installdir:
# Installation directory path.
# A default path will be used if not specified.
# (example: installdir = C:\Program Files\COMSOL\COMSOL60\Multiphysics)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
installdir = /gs/home/xx/comsol60/
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Installer Mode
# install:
# Performs a new installation, adds/removes products to an existing
# installation, or changes the license for an existing installation.
# uninstall:
# Uninstalls an existing installation.
# update:
# Updates an existing installation to a newer version using the file
# specified by update.filepath.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
installmode = install
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# repair:
# Use '1' to repair all already installed features.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
repair = 0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# update.filepath:
# The absolute path of an update file.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
update.filepath =
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# User interaction
# showgui:
# Use '1' to display progress in the graphical user interface.
# Set this to 0 if no display is available.
# Note that Microsoft .NET Framework 4 is required on windows, but if
# showgui is set to 0 it is not installed automatically.
# autofinish (used when showgui is set to 1):
# Determines if the graphical user interface should close automatically
# when setup has finished. Used when showgui is set to 1.
# Alternatives:
# - '1': Close automatically when finished, as long as no errors
# occurred.
# - '0': Do not close automatically--show the installation summary
# when finished.
# - 'success': Close automatically if installation was successful,
# that is, if no warnings or errors occurred.
# - 'warning': Close automatically even if warnings occurred, but not if
# any errors occurred. (This is the same behavior as '1'.)
# - 'error': Close automatically even if warnings or errors occurred,
# but not if any fatal errors occurred.
# - 'always': Always close automatically.
# quiet:
# Use '1' to suppress output to terminal.
# language:
# Set default language. Supported values are:
# zh_CN Simplified Chinese
# zh_TW Traditional Chinese
# en_US English
# fr_FR French
# de_DE German
# it_IT Italian
# ja_JP Japanese
# ko_KR Korean
# es_ES Spanish
# If no value or an unsupported value is given, the default language
# is set en_US.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
showgui = 0
autofinish = 0
quiet = 0
language = en_US
# ============================================================================
# ============================================================================
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# License
# agree (REQUIRED):
# Change this to '1' instead of '0' when you have read and accepted the
# terms of the COMSOL AB Software License Agreement (see license_en_US.txt
# on the DVD).
# license (REQUIRED):
# Alternatives:
# - passcode
# (example: license = FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-CUSV-123456-1234567-123456789), or
# - license file path
# (example: license = C:\license.dat), or
# - port@host
# (example: license = 1718@mylicserver), or
# - three-server redundancy
# (example: license = 1718@licsvr1 1718@licsvr2 1718@licsvr3)
# name, company:
# Information about the user that will use this license.
# licno:
# License number to use if the license contains more than one
# license number.
# lictype:
# Type of installation to perform when the selected license number allows
# more than one type.
# Alternatives:
# - mph Perform multiphysics installation
# - server Perform server installation
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
agree = 1
license = /gs/home/sy1913122/soft/COMSOL.Multiphysics.6.0.318.Win.Linux.macOS-SSQ/LMCOMSOL_Multiphysics_SSQ.lic
name =
company =
licno =
lictype =
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Features
# comsol:
# Use '1' to install COMSOL and '0' to not install COMSOL.
# Not installing COMSOL is useful if you want to install
# only the license manager.
# licmanager:
# Use '1' if you want to install License manager files and '0' if not.
# matlabdir:
# MATLAB root directory path.
# (example: matlabdir = C:\MATLAB)
# proedir:
# Pro/ENGINEER root directory path.
# (example: proedir = C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo Elements\Pro5.0 or
# proedir = C:\Program Files\proeWildfire 5.0)
# llexcelallusers:
# Use '1' to install LiveLink for Excel for all users.
# Use '0' to install LiveLink for Excel only for the current user.
# powerpointinterface:
# Use 'currentuser' to install PowerPoint interface only for the current user.
# Use 'allusers' to install PowerPoint interface for all users.
# Use 'no' to skip PowerPoint interface installation.
# doc:
# Use 'selected' if you want to install documentation for all selected products.
# Use 'all' if you want to install documentation for all products.
# Use 'no' if you do not want to install documentation.
# - doc: Documentation (html and pdf files)
# applications:
# Use 'selected' if you want to install applications for all selected products.
# Use 'all' if you want to install applications for all products.
# Use 'previewselected' if you want to install application previews for all selected products.
# Use 'previewall' if you want to install application previews for all products.
# Use 'no' if you do not want to install applications.
# - applications: Application Library models and applications.
# comsol.*:
# Use '1' if you want to install a feature and '0' if not.
# Features not included in the license cannot be installed.
# Features that depend on not installed features are not installed.
# - comsol.acdc: AC/DC Module
# - comsol.aco: Acoustics Module
# - comsol.battery: Battery Module
# - comsol.cfd: CFD Module
# - comsol.mixer: Mixer Module
# - comsol.chem: Chemical Reaction Engineering Module
# - comsol.compmat: Composite Materials Module
# - comsol.corr: Corrosion Module
# - comsol.echem: Electrochemistry Module
# - comsol.edecm: Electrodeposition Module
# - comsol.fce: Fuel Cell and Electrolyzer Module
# - comsol.ht: Heat Transfer Module
# - comsol.mems: MEMS Module
# - comsol.metproc: Metal Processing Module
# - comsol.mfl: Microfluidics Module
# - comsol.molec: Molecular Flow Module
# - comsol.particle: Particle Tracing Module
# - comsol.pipe: Pipe Flow Module
# - comsol.plasma: Plasma Module
# - comsol.polymer: Polymer Flow Module
# - comsol.porous: Porous Media Flow Module
# - comsol.roptics: Ray Optics Module
# - comsol.rf: RF Module
# - comsol.semicond: Semiconductor Module
# - comsol.sme: Structural Mechanics Module
# - comsol.fatigue: Fatigue Module
# - comsol.geomech: Geomechanics Module
# - comsol.mbd: Multibody Dynamics Module
# - comsol.nsm: Nonlinear Structural Materials Module
# - comsol.rotor: Rotordynamics Module
# - comsol.ssf: Subsurface Flow Module
# - comsol.lgp: Liquid & Gas Properties Module
# - comsol.uq: Uncertainty Quantification Module
# - comsol.woptics: Wave Optics Module
# - comsol.cad: CAD Import Module
# - comsol.catia5: File Import for CATIA V5
# - comsol.design: Design Module
# - comsol.ecad: ECAD Import Module
# - comsol.llac: LiveLink for AutoCAD
# - comsol.llexcel: LiveLink for Excel
# - comsol.llinv: LiveLink for Inventor
# - comsol.llmatlab: LiveLink for MATLAB
# - comsol.llcreop: LiveLink for Creo Parametric
# - comsol.llproe: LiveLink for PTC Pro/ENGINEER
# - comsol.llrevit: LiveLink for Revit
# - comsol.llsimulink: LiveLink for Simulink
# - comsol.llse: LiveLink for Solid Edge
# - comsol.llsw: LiveLink for SOLIDWORKS
# - comsol.optlab: Optimization Module
# - comsol.matlib: Material Library
# - comsol.modelmanager: Model Manager Components
# - comsol.cluster: COMSOL Cluster Components
# comsol.compiler:
# Use '1' if you want to install COMSOL Compiler and '0' if not.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
comsol = 1
licmanager = 1
matlabdir =
proedir =
llexcelallusers = 0
powerpointinterface = currentuser
doc = selected
applications = selected
comsol.acdc = 1
comsol.aco = 1
comsol.battery = 1
comsol.cfd = 1
comsol.mixer = 1
comsol.chem = 1
comsol.compmat = 1
comsol.corr = 1
comsol.echem = 1
comsol.edecm = 1
comsol.fce = 1
comsol.ht = 1
comsol.mems = 1
comsol.metproc = 1
comsol.mfl = 1
comsol.molec = 1
comsol.particle = 1
comsol.pipe = 1
comsol.plasma = 1
comsol.polymer = 1
comsol.porous = 1
comsol.roptics = 1
comsol.rf = 1
comsol.semicond = 1
comsol.sme = 1
comsol.fatigue = 1
comsol.geomech = 1
comsol.mbd = 1
comsol.nsm = 1
comsol.rotor = 1
comsol.ssf = 1
comsol.lgp = 1
comsol.uq = 1
comsol.woptics = 1
comsol.cad = 1
comsol.catia5 = 1
comsol.design = 1
comsol.ecad = 1
comsol.llac = 1
comsol.llexcel = 1
comsol.llinv = 1
comsol.llmatlab = 1
comsol.llcreop = 1
comsol.llproe = 1
comsol.llrevit = 1
comsol.llsimulink = 1
comsol.llse = 1
comsol.llsw = 1
comsol.optlab = 1
comsol.matlib = 1
comsol.modelmanager = 1
comsol.cluster = 1
comsol.compiler = 1
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# License manager service configuration
# licmanager.service:
# Use '1' to install the license manager service.
# Requires root on Linux and macOS.
# Use '0' to not install the license manager service.
# licmanager.service.logfile:
# License manager log file path.
# A default path will be used if not specified.
# licmanager.service.lmdown.local:
# Use '1' to restrict the lmdown command to be run only from
# the same machine where lmgrd is running.
# Use '0' to allow remote use of lmdown.
# licmanager.service.lmdown.disable:
# Use '1' to disable the lmdown command.
# Use '0' to enable the lmdown command.
# licmanager.service.lmremove.disable:
# Use '1' to disable the lmremove command.
# Use '0' to enable the lmremove command.
# licmanager.service.user
# For Linux and macOS, the username to run the license manager.
# licmanager.service.group
# For Linux and macOS, the group of the user to run the license manager.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
licmanager.service = 0
licmanager.service.logfile =
licmanager.service.lmdown.local = 0
licmanager.service.lmdown.disable = 0
licmanager.service.lmremove.disable = 0
licmanager.service.user =
licmanager.service.group =
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Options
# startmenushortcuts:
# Use '1' if you want setup to create shortcuts on the Windows start menu.
# Use '0' if you do not want the shortcuts.
# desktopshortcuts:
# Use '1' if you want setup to create shortcuts on the Windows desktop.
# Use '0' if you do not want the shortcuts.
# firewall:
# Use '1' if you want setup to create Windows Firewall rules to allow
# incoming network traffic for COMSOL server programs.
# Use '0' if you do not want firewall rules to be created.
# linuxlauncher:
# Use '1' if you want setup to create a COMSOL launcher.
# Use '0' if you do not want the launcher.
# symlinks:
# Use '1' if you want setup to create symbolic links to COMSOL in
# /usr/local/bin on Linux (requires administrative privileges).
# Use '0' if you do not want the symbolic links.
# fileassoc:
# Use '1' if you want setup to associate the .mph and .fl file types with
# this installation. Use '0' if you do not want the file association.
# checkupdate:
# Use '1' if you want comsol to automatically check for updates
# jre:
# By default, COMSOL 6.0 includes a Java 11.0.13 runtime.
# If you prefer COMSOL to use another Java 11 runtime that you have licensed and
# installed, specify its location.
# (example: jre = C:\Program Files\Java\jre-11)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
startmenushortcuts = 1
desktopshortcuts = 1
linuxlauncher = 1
symlinks = 1
fileassoc = 1
checkupdate = 0
firewall = 1
jre =
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Multiphysics security options
# setsecuritypolicy:
# Use '1' if you want to enforce a security policy
# security.comsol.allowbatch:
# Use '1' if you want to allow batch jobs
# security.comsol.allowexternalprocess:
# Use '1' if you want to allow external processes
# security.comsol.allowexternallibraries:
# Use '1' if you want to allow external libraries
# security.comsol.allowexternalmatlab:
# Use '1' if you want to allow external MATLAB functions
# security.comsol.allowmethods:
# Use '1' if you want to allow running application methods
# security.comsol.allowapplications:
# Use '1' if you want to allow running applications
# security.external.enable:
# Use '1' if you want to enforce security restrictions
# security.external.propertypermission:
# Use '1' if you want to allow access to system properties
# security.external.runtimepermission:
# Use '1' if you want to allow changes to the runtime system
# security.external.filepermission:
# Use 'full' if you want to allow full file system access.
# Use 'limited' if you want to allow limited file system access.
# security.external.socketpermission:
# Use '1' if you want to allow access to network sockets
# security.external.netpermission:
# Use '1' if you want to allow control of the network authentication method
# security.external.reflectpermission:
# Use '1' if you want to allow access to classes through reflection
# security.external.securitypermission:
# Use '1' if you want to allow access to runtime security settings
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
setsecuritypolicy = 0
security.comsol.allowbatch = 1
security.comsol.allowexternalprocess = 0
security.comsol.allowexternallibraries = 0
security.comsol.allowexternalmatlab = 0
security.comsol.allowmethods = 1
security.comsol.allowapplications = 1
security.external.enable = 1
security.external.propertypermission = 0
security.external.runtimepermission = 0
security.external.filepermission = limited
security.external.socketpermission = 0
security.external.netpermission = 0
security.external.reflectpermission = 0
security.external.securitypermission = 0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# COMSOL Server configuration options
# server.port:
# The default TCP port for COMSOL Server
# server.service:
# Use '1' to install COMSOL Server as a Windows service
# server.service.account:
# Name of account that runs the Windows service, or 'default' to use
# a default service account
# For a secondary installation, use 'default' to read setting from
# the shared working directory
# server.service.password:
# Password corresponding to server.service.account
# Leave empty if the account does not have a password
# server.service.start:
# Use 'disabled' to make the service disabled
# Use 'demand' to specify that the service must be started manually
# Use 'auto' to make the service start automatically when the computer starts
# Use 'delayed-auto' to make the service start automatically a short time
# after the computer starts
# server.createadmin:
# Use '1' to create a default local administrative user
# server.admin:
# Name of the default local administrative user
# server.admin.password:
# Temporary password for the default local administrative user
# server.multiple:
# Use '1' to support running COMSOL Server on multiple computers
# server.primary:
# Use '1' to create a primary installation
# Use '0' to create a secondary installation
# server.multiple.prefsdir:
# The shared working directory for multiple computers
# server.multiple.primaryhost:
# Primary server hostname
# Use 'auto' to read setting from the shared working directory
# server.multiple.primaryport:
# Primary server port
# Use 'auto' to read setting from the shared working directory
# server.windowsauthentication:
# Use '1' to use Windows authentication
# server.windowsauthentication.adminrole:
# Semicolon separated list of Windows user names with Administrator
# privileges in COMSOL Server
# server.windowsauthentication.poweruserrole:
# Semicolon separated list of Windows user names with Power user
# privileges in COMSOL Server
# server.windowsauthentication.userrole:
# Semicolon separated list of Windows user names with Guest
# privileges in COMSOL Server
# server.windowsauthentication.guestrole:
# Semicolon separated list of Windows user names with User
# privileges in COMSOL Server
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
server.port = 2036
server.service = 1
server.service.account = default
server.service.password =
server.service.start = auto
server.createadmin = 1
server.admin = localadmin
server.admin.password = changeit
server.multiple = 0
server.primary = 1
server.multiple.prefsdir =
server.multiple.primaryhost = auto
server.multiple.primaryport = auto
server.windowsauthentication = 0
server.windowsauthentication.adminrole = BUILTIN\Administrators
server.windowsauthentication.poweruserrole = BUILTIN\Power Users
server.windowsauthentication.userrole = BUILTIN\Users
server.windowsauthentication.guestrole = BUILTIN\Guests
然后 命令行
./setup -s ./setupconfig.ini
- 提交脚本,待执行文件为mph格式,脚本文件为sh,可以参照自己的文件。
# slurmsubmit.sh
#SBATCH -J std
#SBATCH -n 20
#SBATCH -p cpu-normal
#SBATCH --mem 256G
#SBATCH -t 10000:00
#SBATCH -o slurm.out
#SBATCH -e slurm.err
#SBATCH --mail-type=all
#module load intel/17.0.7-thc
# no limit Ram
ulimit -s unlimit
mkdir ${SLURM_JOBID}
# -nn
/gs/home/xx/Comsol/comsol56/multiphysics/bin/comsol batch -nn 1 -nnhost 12 -np 12 -inputfile ${INPUTFILE} -outputfile ${OUTPUTFILE} \
-batchlog ${BATCHLOG}
1. 将abaqus安装文件上传,首先破解license
2. 在安装目录下输入 ./lmgrd -c abaqus.lic
3. 安装成功后进入abaqus安装,首先创建一个文件夹,并cd到该文件夹
4. 通过chmod + x /setup文件位置(安全打开)
5. 接着csh /setup文件位置(可能需要创建一个scratch的文件位置,输入就好了)
6. 再chmod + x +install.bin文件位置(直接拷贝上面的)
7. 接着csh /setup文件位置
8. enjoy安装
9. 可能需要清空系统的缓存,命令rm -r -f ~/.abaqus/(我没试过)
10. 一个节点安装不成试用多个,这个安装真的靠rp
1. 下载需要的文件(可以用超算直接下载,超算联网的)
2. chmod打开文件,然后注意用文档查看install文件(注意修改安装位置),和前面装matlab类似
3. make&make install或者./install
$ squeue -u xx 查看自己任务
$ scontrol show job 280675 查看自己任务详情
$ sbatch xx.sh 提交任务
./ 指在当前目录
pwd 显示文件位置
cd 进入用户主目录
$ du -hs /gs/home/xx/ 查看容量
$ rm -rf 路径 删除文件夹
将xx.sh中的文件名与提交节点修改,将inp文件与该文件一起上传至文件区,然后使用$ sbatch xx.sh提交即可。
scancel (id) 取消作业