孟懿子问孝。子曰:“无违。” 樊迟御,子告之曰:“孟孙问孝于我,我对曰无违。” 樊迟曰:“何谓也?” 子曰:“生,事之以礼;死,葬之以礼,祭之以礼。”
A noble of Court in Confucius‘ native State asked him what constituted the duty of a good son. Confucius answered, do not fail in what is required of you”
Afterwards, as a disciple was driving him in his carriage, Confucius told the disciple, saying “my Lord M- asked me what constituted the duty of a good son, and I answered, do not fail in what is required of you”. “What did you mean by that? Asked the disciple. “I meant,” replied Confucius, “when his parents are living, a good son should do his duties to them according to the usage prescribed by propriety; when they are dead, he should bury them and honor their memory according to the rites prescribed by propriety.”