1. 认识这个词(基础篇)
词:stepping stone
英英释义:something that helps you to progress towards achieving something
例句:A good track record is widely considered a stepping stone to promotion.
2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)
“stepping stone”是可数名词,字面意思是“垫脚石”,和中文完美对应。和中文中的“垫脚石”一样,stepping stone 的引申义也很常见。当我们想表达“A 是 B 的敲门砖”就可以说“A is a stepping stone to B”。
A good track record is widely considered a stepping stone to promotion.
Barack Obama's stint as a United States Senator of the state of Illinois served as a stepping stone to his presidency.
TikTok's popularity in China turned out to be a stepping stone to its success overseas.
注意,“a stepping stone to success”很常见,stepping stone 和 success 正好还组成了头韵,值得掌握。
3. 从认识到会用(作业)
Good habits are stepping stone to success.
(参考翻译:Good habits are a stepping stone to success. 或 Good habits are stepping stones to success. )
例子: 中国的音乐节
场景 :Promoting a healthy,positive and sustainable lifestyle serves as a stepping stone for outdoor music festivals held in China became a fashionable statement for the younger generation in China.