Goodbye was hard
After leaving our old home with my ex
I stepped out the house
My new bf was waiting outside
Came back into the car
I started to cry and he held me in his arms
"Sorry, dear.I can't just jump into a new marriage so soon,
I need to have my own time off"
"Take whatever time you need,
I am always here for you"
After that, I lived in a mini house by the lake in the forest for a spiritual break
He sent a team to watch over me
I told him not to worry but please leave me alone
He then followed.
One month later
Beijing/SZ, meeting old friends
He took the same flight as me
Sitting at the last row watching over me
He checked in the different hotel with window view facing to my room
He never got spotted by me
At the return flight
He sit next to me at the 2nd row of first class
Surprise all over my face
I dropped into his arms and cried
" I am ready now"
His kiss fell on my forehead:
"I know I know"