The bottom line is what you are able to do, not what you know, although it is understood that you need to know certain things in order to be able to do your job.
In short, neither their greater knowledge nor their greater experience in traditional surgery gave the experienced surgeons an advantage in developing skill in laparoscopic surgery.
As is the case in so many situations, once you have figured out the right question to ask, you are halfway to the right answer.
This strategy acknowledges that because what is ultimately most important is what people are able to do, training should focus on doing rather than on knowing—and, in particular, on bringing everyone’s skills closer to the level of the best performers in a given area.
The first step is to determine with some certainty who the expert doctors are in a given area.
Once you have identified people who consistently perform better than their peers, the next step is to figure out what underlies that superior performance.
Ultimately, then, if we are going to understand what makes a superior surgeon, we need to have a good idea of what a superior surgeon’s mental representations look like.
Words and Expressions
One of the implicit themes of the Top Gun approach to training, whether it is for shooting down enemy planes or interpreting mammograms, is the emphasis on doing.
medical: a photograph of the breasts made by X-rays
e.g.: She went to the hospital for her yearly mammogram.
As is the case in so many situations, once you have figured out the right question to ask, you are halfway to the right answer.
in the middle between two points;
not total or complete
e.g.: She was leading at the halfway mark of the race,
My Thoughts
1. 降低对他人的期望值
From the perspective of deliberate practice, the problem is obvious: attending lectures, mini-courses, and the like offers little or no feedback and little or no chance to try something new, make mistakes, correct the mistakes, and gradually develop a new skill.
对我而言,学校里面经常会邀请国外的教授、IEEE Fellow等学术大牛来做讲座。他们的内容一般比较具体,针对一个特别事情会给出自己的结论或者判断。从中我就可以了解到学术的前沿研究方向和探究思想,更重要的是提供一个与他们交流的机会,也是一种在实践中检验书本知识了。当然,师傅领进门,修行还是靠个人。
see-know-do-teach,刻意练习的四部曲。发现一种现象,深入了解相关知识,根据知识做出推断,通过实践或实验来检验你的猜想,最后总结成知识,再次分享给比人。在分享的过程中,你会得到反馈,从而自身的skills 不断提升。