Place at left, align the arrow to top, auto close:
Set options in javascript, instead ofdata-*:
$('.clockpicker').clockpicker({ placement:'top', align:'left', donetext:'Done'});
Set default value, input without addon, and manual operations:
Check the minutes
Check the minutesvarinput = $('#single-input').clockpicker({ placement:'bottom', align:'left', autoclose:true,'default':'now'});// Manually toggle to the minutes view$('#check-minutes').click(function(e){// Have to stop propagation heree.stopPropagation(); input.clockpicker('show') .clockpicker('toggleView','minutes');});
default''default time, 'now' or '13:14' e.g.
placement'bottom'popover placement
align'left'popover arrow align
donetext'完成'done button text
autoclosefalseauto close when minute is selected
vibratetruevibrate the device when dragging clock hand
fromnow0set default time to * milliseconds from now (using with default = 'now')
showshow the clockpicker
hidehide the clockpicker
removeremove the clockpicker (and event listeners)
toggleView'hours' or 'minutes'toggle to hours or minutes view
What's included
clockpicker/├── dist/│ ├── bootstrap-clockpicker.css# full code for bootstrap│ ├── bootstrap-clockpicker.js│ ├── bootstrap-clockpicker.min.css# compiled and minified files for bootstrap│ ├── bootstrap-clockpicker.min.js│ ├── jquery-clockpicker.css# full code for jquery│ ├── jquery-clockpicker.js│ ├── jquery-clockpicker.min.css# compiled and minified files for jquery│ └── jquery-clockpicker.min.js└── src/# source code├── clockpicker.css ├── clockpicker.js └── standalone.css# some styles picked from bootstrap