d. Realize that you can’t put out without taking in. Most people seem much more eager to put out (convey their thinking and be productive) than to take in (learn). That’s a mistake even if one’s primary goal is to put out, because what one puts out won’t be good unless one takes in as well.
e. Recognize that to gain the perspective that comes from seeing things through another’s eyes, you must suspend judgment for a time—only by empathizing can you properly evaluate another point of view. Open-mindedness doesn’t mean going along with what you don’t believe in; it means considering the reasoning of others instead of stubbornly and illogically holding on to your own point of view. To be radically open-minded, you need to be so open to the possibility that you could be wrong that you encourage others to tell you so.
d.认识到你不能“只产出不吸纳”。大多数人 的情况是,与“吸纳”(学习)相比,“产出”(表 达想法和制造东西)的热情似乎要高得多。就算 一个人的首要目标是“产出”,这也是一个错误, 因为不“吸纳”的话“产出”也不会好。
e.认识到为了能够从他人的角度看待事物, 你必须暂时悬置判断,只有设身处地,你才能合 理评估另一种观点的价值。头脑开放不是指对自 己不相信的东西无所谓,也不是顽固、不理性地 坚持自己的观点,而是考虑其他人的理由。要做 到头脑极度开放,你必须高度接受自己错了的可 能性,可以鼓励其他人告诉你错在哪里。