请大家先学习这篇文章: C9P31P163
Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
In the past, when students did a university degree, they tended to study in their own country. Nowadays, they have more opportunities to study abroad.
Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
In this 21st century, we now have many more options regarding how and where to find knowledge we need.Indeed, most universities across the world now have a good proportion of foreign students enrolled in their programmes. This essay is about to explore the benefits and drawbacks of this trend. (跟C9P31P163这个文章一样,作者并没有在开头段表态,但是如果要表态也是完全可以的。 注意之前学的agree or disagree 是必须在开头表态的)
Certainly, there are numerous advantages of studying in a different country. Many students choose to do this because they know that a particular university, for instance Stanford Business School, has an excellent reputation. Graduating from here, they believe, will increase their chances of securing a decent position in a company back home. Students studying abroad also have the opportunity to form friendship with people of various nationalities: in time, these may develop into useful professional networks. Furthermore, living far from family and friends can enable young people to become more independent and self-sufficient. (提示:因为作者最后的结论是优点大于缺点,所以优点多写点。从这个段落的第一句话就可以看出来,作者使用的是总分结构。C9P31P163的文章第二和三段都是小学学习的优点,使用的是平行结构)
Unfortunately, the experience of studying abroad is not always a positive one. Research suggests that a small percentage of young people struggle to adapt to their new environment and suffer from severe culture shock. The situation can become worse if the student is not mature enough to cope by themselves. Different approaches to teaching and learning may also come as an unwelcome surprise to some students. (缺点少写点)