1. 认识这个词(基础篇)
英英释义:an occasion when something or someone suddenly gets into a very bad state
例句:The world economy goes into a tailspin.
2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)
“tailspin” 是个名词,字面意思是“尾巴旋转”,表示飞机失控坠落时的情况。它也常用来表示“突然变得糟糕”,是个很形象的表达,有急速下降、“一落千丈”的画面感。
tailspin 这个词的用法很简单,最常见的表达是 XX goes into a tailspin。比如我们想表达“全球经济低迷“就可以说:
The world economy goes into a tailspin.
XX goes into a tailspin 也是《经济学人》中的常客,比如最近就用到了:
The global economy had an inauspicious start to 2019. Markets went into a tailspin and America’s government was locked in a seemingly interminable shutdown.
tailspin 的另一个常见用法是 A sends B into a tailspin,表示“A使得B急剧下落、陷入困境”。比如最近韩国顶级男团成员胜利(Seungri)因为性丑闻而身陷困境,我们就可以说:
The sex scandal sent Seungri, a K-pop star, into a tailspin.
米歇尔·奥巴马在回忆录 Becoming 中也用到了这个表达:
The economic crisis in the United States had created devastating ripples across the globe, sending world financial markets into a tailspin.
3. 从认识到会用(作业)
Share prices went into a tailspin after the scandal broke.
The scandal sent share prices into a tailspin.
The scandal erupted, sending share prices into a tailspin.
(参考翻译:Share prices went into a tailspin after the scandal broke. 或者 The scandal sent share prices into a tailspin. 或者 The scandal erupted, sending share prices into a tailspin.)
例子: 环境
场景 : Few things exercise green sensibilities more these days than marine plastic litter. The detritus looks unsightly when it washes up on beaches, and cruel when it chokes photogenic sea creatures. Scientists estimate that perhaps 8m tonnes of plastic waste enters the ocean each year, discharged by rivers or shed from ships.Plenty stays shore. Some, though, is carried by currents to mid-ocean gyres. The biggest of these is located halfway between California and Hawaii- and so littered with flotsam that it has been nicknamed the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. All these garbage will sent global environment into a tailspin.