char *p1[] = { "aaaaa", "cccccc", "bbbbb" };
char buf2[10][30] = { "111111", "3333333", "2222222" };
int sort(char ** myp1/*in*/, int num1/*in*/, char(*myp2)[30]/*in*/, int num2/*in*/, char ***myp3/*out*/, int *pNum3/*out*/);
- 先获得传入的两个字符串数组中,最长的字符串长度;
- 取两个输入的字符串数组的成员数量之和,并且获得最长的那个字符串的长度之后,根据这两个参数再堆上申请空间;
- 分别复制两个字符串数组到新的堆空间上;
- 针对堆空间的字符串数组进行排序,最后输出排好序的字符串。
- 释放申请的堆空间。
// 获取最长的字符串长度
int getRowLen(char **myp1/*in*/, int num1/*int*/, int *pLen)
// 申请堆空间
int getArray3(char ***p, int RowNum, int RowLen)
// 复制字符串数组
int copyArray(char **myp1/*in*/, int num1/*in*/, char **myp3/*in*/, int *pMyp3Row/*in, out*/)
// 释放堆空间
int getArray3_Free(char ***p3, int p3num)
// 最后是题目给定的函数接口,主要功能在该函数中实现
int sort(char ** myp1/*in*/, int num1/*in*/, char(*myp2)[30]/*in*/, int num2/*in*/, char ***myp3/*out*/, int *pNum3/*out*/)
int main()
int nRet = 0;
char *p1[] = { "aaaaa", "cccccc", "bbbbb" };
char buf2[10][30] = { "111111", "3333333", "2222222" };
char **p3 = NULL;
int len1, len2, len3, i = 0;
len1 = sizeof(p1) / sizeof(*p1);
len2 = 3;
nRet = sort(p1, len1, buf2, len2, &p3, &len3);
if (nRet != 0) {
printf("func sort() err: %d \n", nRet);
return nRet;
printf("after sorting...\n");
for (; i < len3; i++) {
printf("%s \n", p3[i]);
getArray3_Free(&p3, len3);
Error C2664 'int copyArray(char **,int,char **,int )': cannot convert argument 1 from 'char ()[30]' to 'char **'
我在追溯问题的时候一直以为是指针传输的问题,但是想不到更具体的可疑点。最后在做实验的时候发现,有两个函数接口有同样的问题,getRowLen() 和 copyArray()都是把试图原数组的地址传进来,可是,每次传入的数组是buf2[10]
// 获取最长的字符串长度
int getRowLen(char **myp1/*in*/, int num1/*int*/, int *pLen)
// 获取最长的字符串长度:用于buf2
int getRowLen_1(char (*myp1)[30]/*in*/, int num1/*int*/, int *pLen)
// 申请堆空间
int getArray3(char ***p, int RowNum, int RowLen)
// 复制字符串数组
int copyArray(char **myp1/*in*/, int num1/*in*/, char **myp3/*in*/, int *pMyp3Row/*in, out*/)
// 复制字符串数组:用于buf2
int copyArray_1(char (*myp1)[30]/*in*/, int num1/*in*/, char **myp3/*in*/, int *pMyp3Row/*in, out*/)
// 释放堆空间
int getArray3_Free(char ***p3, int p3num)
// 最后是题目给定的函数接口,主要功能在该函数中实现
int sort(char ** myp1/*in*/, int num1/*in*/, char(*myp2)[30]/*in*/, int num2/*in*/, char ***myp3/*out*/, int *pNum3/*out*/)
buf0[3][30] = { "aaaaa", "cccccc", "bbbbb" };
buf1[3][20] = { "111111", "3333333", "2222222" };
buf2[3][10] = { "hello", "world", "C Program Language" };
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int getArray3_Free(char ***p3, int p3num)
int nRet = 0;
int i = 0;
char **pTmp = NULL;
if (p3 == NULL) {
nRet = -1;
printf("func getArray3_Free:: detects that (p3 == NULL), error code: %d \n", nRet);
goto END;
pTmp = *p3;
if (pTmp == NULL) {
nRet = -2;
printf("func getArray3_Free:: detects that (pTmp == NULL), error code: %d \n", nRet);
goto END;
for (; i < p3num; i++) {
if (pTmp[i] != NULL) {
pTmp[i] = NULL;
*p3 = NULL;
goto END;
return nRet;
int getArray3(char ***p, int RowNum, int RowLen)
int nRet = 0;
int i = 0;
char **pTmp = NULL;
//int nLen = 60;
if (p == NULL) {
nRet = -1;
printf("func getArray3:: detects that (p == NULL), error code: %d \n", nRet);
goto END;
pTmp = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * RowNum);
if (pTmp == NULL) {
nRet = -2;
printf("func getArray3:: detects that (pTmp == NULL), error code: %d \n", nRet);
goto END;
for (; i < RowNum; i++) {
pTmp[i] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * RowLen);
*p = pTmp;
goto END;
return nRet;
int getRowLen(char **myp1/*in*/, int num1/*in*/, int *pLen)
int nRet = 0;
int nLen = 0, nLenRow, i = 0;
if (myp1 == NULL) {
nRet = -1;
printf("func getRowLen:: detectst that (myp1 == NULL), error code: %d \n", nRet);
goto END;
for (; i < num1; i++) {
nLenRow = strlen(myp1[i]) + 1;
nLen = (nLenRow > nLen) ? nLenRow : nLen;
*pLen = nLen;
goto END;
return nRet;
int getRowLen_1(char (*myp1)[30]/*in*/, int num1/*int*/, int *pLen)
int nRet = 0;
int nLen = 0, nLenRow, i = 0;
if (myp1 == NULL) {
nRet = -1;
printf("func getRowLen:: detectst that (myp1 == NULL), error code: %d \n", nRet);
goto END;
for (; i < num1; i++) {
nLenRow = strlen(myp1[i]) + 1;
nLen = (nLenRow > nLen) ? nLenRow : nLen;
*pLen = nLen;
goto END;
return nRet;
int copyArray(char **myp1/*in*/, int num1/*in*/, char **myp3/*in*/, int *pMyp3Row/*in, out*/)
int nRet = 0;
int i = 0, myp3Row;
char **pTmp = NULL;
if (myp1 == NULL || myp3 == NULL || myp3 == NULL || pMyp3Row == NULL) {
nRet = -1;
printf("func sort:: detects that (myp1== NULL || myp3 == NULL || pNum3 == NULL || pMyp3Row == NULL), error code: %d \n", nRet);
goto END;
pTmp = myp3;
if (pTmp == NULL) {
nRet = -2;
printf("func sort:: pTmp == NULL), error code: %d \n", nRet);
goto END;
myp3Row = *pMyp3Row;
for (; i < num1; i++) {
strncpy(pTmp[myp3Row], myp1[i], strlen(myp1[i]));
pTmp[myp3Row][strlen(myp1[i])] = '\0';
printf("pTmp[%d]: %s \n", myp3Row, pTmp[myp3Row]);
myp3Row += 1;
*pMyp3Row = myp3Row;
return nRet;
int copyArray_1(char (*myp1)[30]/*in*/, int num1/*in*/, char **myp3/*in*/, int *pMyp3Row/*in, out*/)
int nRet = 0;
int i = 0, myp3Row;
char **pTmp = NULL;
if (myp1 == NULL || myp3 == NULL || myp3 == NULL || pMyp3Row == NULL) {
nRet = -1;
printf("func sort:: detects that (myp1== NULL || myp3 == NULL || pNum3 == NULL || pMyp3Row == NULL), error code: %d \n", nRet);
goto END;
pTmp = myp3;
if (pTmp == NULL) {
nRet = -2;
printf("func sort:: pTmp == NULL), error code: %d \n", nRet);
goto END;
myp3Row = *pMyp3Row;
for (; i < num1; i++) {
strncpy(pTmp[myp3Row], myp1[i], strlen(myp1[i]));
pTmp[myp3Row][strlen(myp1[i])] = '\0';
myp3Row += 1;
*pMyp3Row = myp3Row;
return nRet;
int sort(char ** myp1/*in*/, int num1/*in*/, char(*myp2)[30]/*in*/, int num2/*in*/, char ***myp3/*out*/, int *pNum3/*out*/)
int nRet = 0;
int nLenRowMax1 = 0, nLenRowMax2 = 0, nLenRow = 0;
int nRowIdx = 0;
int i, j;
char ** pTmp = NULL;
char *pTmpCg = NULL;
if (myp1 == NULL || myp2 == NULL || pNum3 == NULL) {
nRet = -1;
printf("func sort:: detects that (myp1== NULL || myp2 == NULL || pNum3 == NULL), error code: %d \n", nRet);
goto END;
*pNum3 = num1 + num2; // to get the size of string group 3
#if (0)
*myp3 = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char *) * sizeof(*pNum3)); // to ask address for myp3
if (myp3 == NULL) {
nRet = -2;
printf("func sort:: detects that (myp3 == NULL), error code: %d \n", nRet);
goto END;
nRet = getRowLen(myp1, num1, &nLenRowMax1);
if (nRet != 0) {
nRet = -3;
printf("func sort:: detects that (nRet != 0), error code: %d \n", nRet);
goto END;
printf("nLenRowMax1: %d \n", nLenRowMax1);
nRet = getRowLen_1(myp2, num2, &nLenRowMax2);
if (nRet != 0) {
nRet = -4;
printf("func sort:: detects that (nRet != 0), error code: %d \n", nRet);
goto END;
nLenRow = (nLenRowMax1 > nLenRowMax2) ? nLenRowMax1 : nLenRowMax2; // to get the row size of new array
nRet = getArray3(myp3, *pNum3, nLenRow); // to put space for myp3
if (nRet != 0) {
nRet = -4;
printf("func sort:: detects that (nRet != 0), error code: %d \n", nRet);
goto END;
nRet = copyArray(myp1, num1, *myp3, &nRowIdx);
if (nRet != 0) {
nRet = -5;
printf("func sort:: detects that (nRet != 0), error code: %d \n", nRet);
goto END;
nRet = copyArray_1(myp2, num2, *myp3, &nRowIdx);
//nRet = copyArray(myp2, num2, *myp3, &nRowIdx);
if (nRet != 0) {
nRet = -5;
printf("func sort:: detects that (nRet != 0), error code: %d \n", nRet);
goto END;
printf("before sorting: \n");
for (i=0; i < *pNum3; i++) {
printf("%s \n", (*myp3)[i]);
if (nRowIdx != *pNum3) {
*pNum3 = nRowIdx - 1;
pTmp = *myp3;
for (i = 0; i < *pNum3; i++) {
for (j = i + 1; j < *pNum3; j++) {
if (strcmp(pTmp[i], pTmp[j]) > 0) {
pTmpCg = pTmp[i];
pTmp[i] = pTmp[j];
pTmp[j] = pTmpCg;
goto END;
return nRet;
int main()
int nRet = 0;
char *p1[] = { "aaaaa", "cccccc", "bbbbb" };
char buf2[10][30] = { "111111", "3333333", "2222222" };
char **p3 = NULL;
int len1, len2, len3, i = 0;
len1 = sizeof(p1) / sizeof(*p1);
len2 = 3;
nRet = sort(p1, len1, buf2, len2, &p3, &len3);
if (nRet != 0) {
printf("func sort() err: %d \n", nRet);
return nRet;
printf("after sorting...\n");
for (; i < len3; i++) {
printf("%s \n", p3[i]);
getArray3_Free(&p3, len3);
printf("hello world....\n");