Set Value Type(设定值类型):CV类型,可设置为设定范围(高低限)或设定点。在设定点情况下操作员仅需设置设定范围高限。设定范围低限将自动跟踪设定范围高限。
Speed Factor(速度因子):通过定义经济函数最小化来设置收敛速度朝向最优化。速度因子取值在0.0(不追踪)和1.0(最快追踪)之间。(EXASMOC:静态速度因子)
Step Response(阶跃响应):系统输入一个阶跃信号后,输出信号的变化。
Sub-Controller Status(子控制器状态)(实际):SMOCPro计算的子控制器实际状态。它指示了有效的子控制器状态。实际的状态可以是Active/Inactive。
Sub-Controller Status(子控制器状态)(期望):子控制器所需状态由操作员设定以触发子控制器行为。期望状态可以是Active/Inactive。
Tag or Value(位号或值) (t/v):在UAPC输出中,参数可以是位号(t),值(v),位号或值(t/v)。若是位号,你可以定义一个DCS位号名下载或上传数据。若仅是一个值,则该数据是本地的且存储于EXASMOC OPC数据库。无论是位号还是值,你都可以选择模式。
Tracking Flag(跟踪标签):若跟踪标签为true,则当CV移除控制时,CV的设定点跟踪CV测量值。仅适用于设定点型的CV。(EXASMOC:设定点跟踪标签)
Unmeasured Disturbance(不可测扰动)(UNM):不可测干扰变量作为过程输入是不可以被测量和操作的。其用于反馈控制。
Valve Gain Near High Limit(接近高限时阀门增益):当控制器是正作用时,增益用于计算考虑了MV阀位和阀门高限的有效MV设定点高限。如果控制器是反作用的,增益将被用于计算有效MV设定点低限。对正作用控制器增益应是正的,对反作用控制器增益应该是负的。可以通过输入一个大的增益除去此检查。
Valve Gain Near Low Limit(接近低限时阀门增益):当控制器是正作用时,增益用于计算考虑了MV阀位和阀门高限的有效MV设定点低限。如果控制器是反作用的,增益将被用于计算有效MV设定点高限。对正作用控制器增益应是正的,对反作用控制器增益应该是负的。可以通过输入一个大的增益除去此检查。
Valve High Limit(阀门高限):控制工程师不希望MV阀位高于此值。
Valve Low Limit(阀门低限):控制工程师不希望MV阀位低于此值。
Valve Position(阀门位置):DCS阀门位置。
Weighting Factor(权重因子):此参数用于控制在控制准则中变量的重要性。变量可以是被控或操作变量。(EXASMOC:Online Tuning Weight(在线整定权重)(MV)和CV Weight (CV权重))。
Set Value Type:CV types can be set to set range (high and low limit) or set point. In the set point case only the set range high shall be set by operator. The set range low automatically tracks the set range high.
SMOC:Shell Multivariable Optimizing Controller.
Speed Factor:Set the convergence speed toward the optimum defined by minimizing the economic function. The speed factor can be between 0.0 (no tracking) and 1.0 (fastest tracking). (EXASMOC: Static Speed Factor.)
Step Response:Evolution of output signals of a system to a step input signal.
Sub-Controller:A sub-controller is defined by a subset of MV, DV, POV and CV that have separate observer and control criterion. The sub-controller has a control period that is a multiple of the model period.
Sub-Controller Status (Actual):The sub-controller actual status is calculated by SMOCPro. It indicates the effective sub-controller status. The actual status can be Active/Inactive.
Sub-Controller Status (Desired):The sub-controller desired status is set by the operator to trigger sub-controller behavior. The desired status can be Active/Inactive.
Tag or Value (t/v):In UAPC Output, parameters can be tag (t), value (v), tag or values (t/v). With tag you can define a DCS tag name to download or upload the data. If it is a value only, the data is local and stored into EXASMOC OPC database. With either tag or value, you can select the mode.
Tracking Flag:When tracking flag is true, the set-point of a CV tracks the CV measurement when it is removed from control. Only applicable to set-point type CV. (EXASMOC: Setpoint Tracing Flag.)
Unmeasured Disturbance (UNM):The unmeasured disturbance variable is an input to the process that cannot be measured or manipulated. Used for feedback control.
Valve Gain Near High Limit:The gain used to calculate the effective MV setpoint high limit taking into account the MV’s valve position and the valve high limit if the controller is direct acting. If the controller is reverse acting, the gain will be used to calculate the effective MV setpoint low limit. The gain should be positive for direct acting controllers and negative for reverse acting controllers. This check can be removed by entering a large gain.
Valve Gain Near Low Limit:The gain used to calculate the effective MV setpoint low limit taking into account the MV’s valve position and the valve low limit if the controller is direct acting. If the controller is reverse acting, the gain will be used to calculate the effective MV setpoint high limit. The gain should be positive for direct acting controllers and negative for reverse acting controllers. This check can be removed by entering a large gain.
Valve High Limit:The value above which the control engineer does not want the MV valve position to go.
Valve Low Limit:The value above which the control engineer does not want the MV valve position to go.
Valve Position:The DCS valve position.
Weighting Factor:Parameter to control the importance of a variable in the control criterion. The variable can be a controlled or a manipulated variable. (EXASMOC: Online Tuning Weight (MV) and CV Weight).
Workspace (WSP):The compressed (or ZIP) file where all SMOCPro files are archived. Extension .wsp.