consume:(~ sb with sth) . to fill sb with a strong feeling
i.e: My friend was consumed with anger
consume 的常见意思是“消耗时间或燃料”
eat your heart out(for sb/sth): to feel very unhappy, especially because you want sb/sth you cannot have
原文:But inside, I'm eating my heart out
i.e: Knowing he can't past the exam, he's eating his heart out
forceful: adj. (of people) expressing opinions firmly and clearly in a way that persuade other people to believe them
i.e: Susan has a forceful personality (a forceful personality 坚强的个性)
eloquent: adj. able to use language and express your opinion well, especially when you are speaking in public
i.e: The headmaster gave an eloquent speech
cram: v. to push or force sb/sth into a small place; to move into a small space with the result that it is full
i.e: People crammed into the bride's bedroom
感想:作者在对孩子的教育中发现要想改变当下的情形,首先需要改变的是自己,而要想改变自己,我们首先需要改变自己的认识。人们对事物容易有先入为主的看法,第一眼觉得这个人穿得花里胡哨,就会觉得这个人是个没什么内涵的人,就像书中的那句话We simply assume that the way we see things is the way they really are or the way they should be. 但是就像文中举得那个例子,在进行交谈后你会瞬间对对方改观,所以我们应该listen to others and be open to their perceptions, thereby getting a large picture and a far more objective view
就像那句俗语Don't judge a book by its cover