be slow to ebb: 迟迟不愿下降/衰退
【Economist】Chaguan: When children say #MeToo
【Medium】Is Sharing Your Feelings Always Healthy?
It is a very interesting research. Though in plenty of influential stduies, verbalizing your feelings can help you make sense of them. Surely, it is a great way to manage it. However, a full disclosure approach to sharing your emotions may not always led to the best outcomes. It is wise to reappraise your emotion or even write them down in the air using your fingers.hhhhh
【WSJ】China’s Medical-Goods Market Is In Chaos Amid Coronavirus
Urgent late night inspections at Chinese mask factories. Hurried million-dollar wire transfers to secure ventilator deals. Middlemen lurking outside a Shanghai factory offering masks of unknown provenance.