- 什么是SDS
1.将物理存储抽象为逻辑存储,包括:Storage Virtualization,Virtual volumes,pNFS, OpenStack Swift、Cepf等存储接口,部分对象存储平台,部分分布式存储solution。
3.a clustered file system for converged storage
- 自动化 Automation– Simplified management that reduces the cost of maintaining the storage infrastructure.
- 标准接口 Standard Interfaces –APIs for the management, provisioning and maintenance of storage devices and services.
- 虚拟数据路径 Virtualized Data Path – Block, File and Object interfaces that support applications written to these interfaces.
- 扩展性 Scalability – Seamless ability to scale the storage infrastructure without disruption to availability or performance.
- 透明性Transparency – The ability for storage consumers to monitor and manage their own storage consumption against available resources and costs.
- 现在都有哪些SDS?
Red Hat Ceph Storage.
StarWind Virtual SAN.
IBM Spectrum Virtualize.
HPE StoreVirtual.
DataCore SANsymphony SDS.
StarWind HyperConverged Appliance. 等
- SDS类型:
- Hypervisor-based
- Container-based (for example, running in a Docker container)
- Scale-out storage for unstructured data
- Distributed file systems for object storage offload
- HCI software(storage is combined with networking, compute, and virtualization software in the same package)
- SDS用途:
- Containers
- Cloud Infrastructure
- Big Data Analytics
- Hyperconverged Infrastructure
- Object Storage
- Rich Media