2019年欧美娱乐圈里的重磅新闻之一当属Justin Bieber与女友Hailey Baldwin的婚礼了
当年爆火的小正太如今也成家啦!而在经历了较长时间的沉寂后,Justin Bieber 也带着新专辑Changes回归啦!
但是今天我们要介绍的,并不是他的专辑,而是他在2019拍摄的个人纪录片:Seasons。纪录片讲述了Justin自上一次巡演中途取消开始,自己经历的一系列重大生活变故,更是在里面讲述了自己成长所经历的压力,备受病痛Lyme Disease的折磨已及自己与妻子Hailey的感情。许多人之前对Justin 的印象停留在了2016年那个“吸毒、飙车入狱”的坏小子,但是其实并非如此,真相又是如何,大家可以看看正片呀!
【News about the Documentary from N.Y.Post】
The Biebs is back.
Bad boy-turned-Bible-toting superstar Justin Bieber is teasing his long-awaited musical comeback with a 10-part YouTube docuseries called “Justin Bieber: Seasons” set to premiere Jan. 27, with new music to score the episodes.
The trailer, which was released on Dec. 31, 2019, promises a look into the singer’s 2017 breakdown that caused him to cancel the remainder of his “Purpose” world tour as well as the inside scoop on his marriage to supermodel Hailey Baldwin and long hours spent in the studio recording his first album in four years.
“As humans we go through so many ups and downs. So many good seasons, bad seasons,” says Bieber, 25, in the series trailer, which features a snippet of his new song, “Yummy,” due out Jan. 3.
【Plot Summary】
Justin reflects on his past in light of canceling the final show of his Purpose tour.
* go on a tour 进行巡演
* promote album 推广专辑
* across the 200 million dollar mark 票房突破2亿美元大关
* stadium 体育馆
* have issues 遇到困难
* fall in another dark place 坠入到另一个黑暗的世界,之前Justin曾经因吸毒飙车等问题被媒体曝光说“走向堕落”
* a statement cites unforseen circumstances 一份声明提及了不可预见的状况
* Stratford, Ontario, Canada 加拿大安大略省的斯特福德
* escape from 逃离
* go through 经历
* Never Say Never movie,永不言败纪录片,是Justin个人的第一部纪录片,片名取自同名歌曲Never Say Never(电影《功夫小子》主题曲,成龙,贾登史密斯主演)
* Are you going to sing on some steps or······ 你是要在台阶上唱歌吗还是·······这里指Justin成名前曾经在家乡的一个商店门口台阶上卖唱。那个台阶在2011年7月1日被铸上纪念他的铜板
* In an era of social media where every year of your adolescence, you were the most Google person on the planet. 在这个社交媒体的时代,在他青春期的每一年,他是这个星球上被搜索的最多的人。这地方Scooter讲述了Justin成长路上的重大压力
* got suspended 被停学了
* bring back a lot of memories 勾起了许许多多的回忆
* Range Rover 路虎
* be drawn to··· 被···所吸引
* poverty standard 贫困的生活水平(标准)
* bowling alley 保龄球馆
* need a break from it all 从一切中解脱出来
* freak out 吓坏了
* chanting 吟唱
* get worn out 累坏了
* dopamine 多巴胺
* Coachella Festival 2019 科切拉音乐节2019,当时A妹(Ariana grande)邀请作为台下听众的他上台一起唱首歌。这时的Justin正在休息调整中,已经2年没有登台演出了
* go back and forth 犹豫不决
* be on stage 上台,登台演出
* turning point 转折点
* utilize one's gift 利用···的天赋
“He is still who he is” 他还是他。
“Think that we’re all struggling to some degree. We all have our individual pains and fears and anxieties. ”