2018年接受展翔的邀请翻译Beyond Feelings这本书,我的翻译任务是第十九章。时间比较紧,翻译的很生硬,进度也一直落在后面,所以现在每天翻译一小段,希望不至于落的太远和拖大家的后腿。由于最近生活比较忙,007的作业就靠这个充数了!
CHAPTER 19 Persuading Others
第十九章 说服他人
When you read the previous chapter, it might have seemed an appropriate place to conclude the book. That is an understandable impression. The thinking process could reasonably be considered complete when a judgment has been made and put into words. Why, then, has this chapter been included? The simple answer is because thoughtful judgments deserve to be shared, and the way they are presented can strongly influence the way others react to them. By learning the principles of persuasion and applying them in your writing (and speaking), you will extend the benefits of your critical thinking beyond the confines of your own mind. Persuasion means presenting your view so effectively that people who have no position on the issue will be inclined to agree with you and those who disagree with you will be motivated to reconsider their own view. This task is more difficult than it may seem. Those who are neutral will be open to suggestion, but only if you demonstrate the reasonableness of your view. Those who disagree with you will be disposed to reject your view for the obvious reason that it disputes theirs. To accept your view entails discarding their own, which they may have formed after considerable thought and with which their egos are intertwined. To appreciate how difficult it can be to persuade others, you need only reflect on your own resistance to ideas that oppose yours. If you still have trouble giving such ideas a fair hearing even after a semester’s study of critical thinking, it is unreasonable to expect individuals who lack your training to respond more generously.
intertwine [,ɪntɚ'twaɪn]
vi. 纠缠;编结 vt. 缠绕;纠缠
If two or more things are intertwined or intertwine, they are closely connected with each other in many ways.
If two things intertwine, they are twisted together or go over and under each other.