今天赏析的也是来dr suusie的一本书。There's a Wocket in My Pocket is a short children's book by Dr. Seuss, published by Random House in 1974. It features a little boy talking about the strange creatures that live in his house, such as the yeps on the steps, the nooth grush on his toothbrush, the wasket in his basket, the zamp in a lamp, the yottle in the bottle and Nureau in the bureau.
pocket。bureau和bureau。 woset closet。certain, jertain,vurtain。。zlock和clock等等等等。其中前面的确切说查了几个并不是专业的词汇。都是一些小怪物滴名字。而与后面的词汇相同很有意思。韵脚都是相同的。对于phonics学习了一定年限的孩子还是很有帮助的!
我想这正是孩子的世界。会给心目中的小怪物起不同的名字。会和小怪物和平相处!最后的结尾,温馨而美好。Zallow on my pillow. I don’t care if you believe it. That’s the kind of house I live in. And I hope we never leave it!