


alter table 表名 rename 新表名;
mysql> alter table t1 rename t2;
1. 添加新字段
alter table 表名 add 字段 类型 约束;
mysql> alter table t3 add id int not null;
mysql> alter table t3 add (id int not null,name varchar(20));
mysql> alter table t3 add id int after name;
mysql> alter table t3 add id int first;

3. 修改字段数据类型、约束


mysql> alter table t3 change id newid int after name

2. 修改字段类型,约束,顺序 #modify不能修改字段名
alter table t3 modify 字段 数据类型 约束;
mysql> alter table t3 modify id int after name; 
mysql> alter table t4 modify name varchar(30) charset utf8;

3. 删除字段
alter table 表名 drop 字段名;
mysql> after table t3 drop id;
4. 删除表
mysql> drop table t7,t6,t5,t4,t3;


insert into 表名(字段1,字段2,字段3,字段4) values(1,"tom","m",90);
mysql> insert into t3(id,name,sex,age) values(1,"tom","m",18);
mysql> insert into t3(id,name,sex,age) values(2,"jack","m",19),(3,"xiaoli","f",20);
mysql> insert into t3 set id=4,name="zhangsan",sex="m",age=21;
update 表名 set 修改的字段 where 修改目标;
mysql> update t1 set name=tom where id=1;
mysql> delete from t1 where id=1; #删除那个记录,等于就会删除那个整条记录
mysql> delete from t1;


1.增加约束(针对已有的主键增加 auto_increment)
mysql> alter table t1 modify id int not null auto_increment;
mysql> alter table t1 add primary key(host_ip,port);
mysql> alter table t1 add primary key(id);
mysql> alter table t1 modify id int primary key auto_increment;
mysql> alter table t1 modify id int not null;
mysql> alter table t1 drop primary key;


表复制:key不会被复制: 主键、外键和索引
create table 新表 select * from 旧表;
mysql> sreate table new_t1 select * from t1;
create table 新表 (select id,name from 旧表);
create table new_t1 (select id,name from t1);



mysql> CREATE TABLE t1(
     id int primary key AUTO_INCREMENT not null,
     name varchar(30) not null,
     sex enum('male','female') default 'male' not null,
     hire_date date not null,
     post varchar(50) not null,
     job_description varchar(100),
     salary double(15,2) not null,
     office int,
     dep_id int
mysql> insert into t1(name,sex,hire_date,post,job_description,salary,office,dep_id) values 


select 字段1,字段2 from 表名 where 条件;
mysql> select * from t1; #查询所有记录,生产环境由于数据庞大,不建议使用
mysql> select id,name from t1; #多字段查询
1.条件查询 where
mysql> select name from t1 where id>5;
mysql> select id,name,salary from employee5 where salary>2000;
SELECT name, salary, salary*14 FROM employee5;
SELECT name, salary, salary*14 AS Annual_salary FROM employee5;
SELECT name, salary, salary*14 Annual_salary FROM employee5;
3.设置别名 as
mysql> select name,salary,salary*14 as annual_salary from t1;
| name      | salary   | annual_salary |
| jack      |  5000.00 |      70000.00 |
| tom       |  5500.00 |      77000.00 |
| robin     |  8000.00 |     112000.00 |
| alice     |  7200.00 |     100800.00 |
| awei      |   600.00 |       8400.00 |
| harry     |  6000.00 |      84000.00 |
| emma      | 20000.00 |     280000.00 |
| christine |  2200.00 |      30800.00 |
| zhuzhu    |  2200.00 |      30800.00 |
| gougou    |  2200.00 |      30800.00 |
mysql> select count(*) from t1;
mysql> select count(id) from t1;
mysql> select distinct post from employee5;
6.concat()函数   连接
mysql> select concat(name, ' annual_salary: ' ,salary*14) as annual_salary from t1; 
| annual_salary                     |
| jack      annual_salary: 70000.00 |
| tom       annual_salary: 77000.00 |
| robin     annual_salary: 112000.00|
| alice     annual_salary: 100800.00|
| awei      annual_salary: 8400.00  |
| harry     annual_salary: 84000.00 |
| emma      annual_salary: 280000.00|
| christine annual_salary: 30800.00 |
| zhuzhu    annual_salary: 30800.00 |
| gougou    annual_salary: 30800.00 |
mysql> select id,concat(name, ' annual_salary: ' ,salary*14) as annual_salary from t1;
| id | annual_salary                     |
|  1 | jack      annual_salary: 70000.00 |
|  2 | tom       annual_salary: 77000.00 |
|  3 | robin     annual_salary: 112000.00|
|  4 | alice     annual_salary: 100800.00|
|  5 | awei      annual_salary: 8400.00  |
|  6 | harry     annual_salary: 84000.00 |
|  7 | emma      annual_salary: 280000.00|
|  8 | christine annual_salary: 30800.00 |
|  9 | zhuzhu    annual_salary: 30800.00 |
| 10 | gougou    annual_salary: 30800.00 |


1. and   ---与
select 字段1,字段2 from 表名 where 条件 and 条件;
mysql> select name from t1 where id>1 and salary>600;
2. or    ---或
select 字段1,字段2 from 表名 where 条件 or 条件;
mysql> select name from t1 where id>1 and salary>600 or dep_id=100;
mysql> select name from t1 where id>4 or salary>10000;
3. between and  ---什么和什么之间
mysql> select name from t1 where salary between 5000 and 10000;
4. not   ---取反
mysql> select name from t1 where not id>5;
5. is null      ---空的
mysql> select name,job_description from t1 where job_description is null;
mysql> select name,job_description from t1  where job_description is not null;  #-取反 不是null
mysql> select name,job_description from t1 where job_description=''; #什么都没有==空
        4、比较时使用关键字用“is null”和“is not null”。
6. in    ---集合查询
mysql> select name from t1 where salary in(4000,8000,6000,9000);
mysql> select name,salary from t1 where salary=4000 or salary=5000 or salary=6000 or salary=9000;
| name  |
| robin |
| harry |
mysql> select name from t1 where salary not in(4000,8000,6000,9000); #取反
| name      |
| jack      |
| tom       |
| alice     |
| awei      |
| emma      |
| christine |
| zhuzhu    |
| gougou    |
7. order by   ---排序查询
mysql> select name,salary from t1 order by salary;  #默认从小到大排序
| name      | salary   |
| awei      |   600.00 |
| christine |  2200.00 |
| zhuzhu    |  2200.00 |
| gougou    |  2200.00 |
| jack      |  5000.00 |
| tom       |  5500.00 |
| harry     |  6000.00 |
| alice     |  7200.00 |
| robin     |  8000.00 |
| emma      | 20000.00 |
mysql> select name,salary from t1 order by salary desc; #从大到小排序
8. limit    ---限制
mysql> select name,salary from t1 order by salary desc limit 0,1;
| name | salary   |
| emma | 20000.00 |
9. 函数
max() 最大值
mysql> select max(salary) from t1;
mysql> select name,sex,hire_date,post,salary,dep_id from t1 
    -> where salary = (select max(salary) from t1);   #子查询
select min(salary) from t1;
select avg(salary) from t1;
now()  现在的时间
select now();
sum()  计算和
select sum(salary) from t1 where post='sale';


mysql> select dep_id from t1;
| dep_id |
|    100 |
|    100 |
|    100 |
|    100 |
|    101 |
|    101 |
|    102 |
|    102 |
|    102 |
|    102 |
mysql> select dep_id from t1 group by dep_id;
| dep_id |
|    100 |
|    101 |
|    102 |
mysql> select group_concat(name) from t1;
| group_concat(name)                                              |
| jack,tom,robin,alice,tianyun,harry,emma,christine,zhuzhu,gougou |
mysql> select group_concat(name) from t1 group by dep_id;
| group_concat(name)           |
| jack,tom,robin,alice         |
| tianyun,harry                |
| emma,christine,zhuzhu,gougou |
mysql> select dep_id,group_concat(name) as name from t1 group by dep_id;
| dep_id | name                         |
|    100 | jack,tom,robin,alice         |
|    101 | awei,harry                   |
|    102 | emma,christine,zhuzhu,gougou |

mysql> select post,max(salary) as salary from t1 group by post;
| post       | salary   |
| hr         |  6000.00 |
| instructor |  8000.00 |
| sale       | 20000.00 |


select * from t1 where name regexp '^ali';
select * from t1 where name regexp 'wei$';
select * from t1 where name regexp 'm{2}';

where name = 'tom';
where name like 'to%';    //锚定开头
where name regexp 'wei$';   //锚定结尾

1.交叉连接: 生成笛卡尔积,它不使用任何匹配条件
2.内连接: 只连接匹配的行

3.外连接之左连接: 会显示左边表内所有的值,不论在右边表内匹不匹配
外连接之右连接: 会显示右边表内所有的值,不论在左边表内匹不匹配

4.全外连接: 包含左、右两个表的全部行

mysql> create table t2(
    -> id int auto_increment primary key, 
    -> name varchar(30), 
    -> age int,
    -> dep_id int 
mysql> insert into t2(name,age,dep_id) values 
    -> ('tom',19,200),
    -> ('jack',20,203),
    -> ('alice',18,200), 
    -> ('robin',20,200);
mysql> create table t3(dep_id int,name varchar(30));
mysql> insert into t3 values(200 'hr'),(203 'it');                                 


mysql> select t2.name,t3.name from t2,t3 where t2.name='tom';
| name | name |
| tom  | hr   |
| tom  | it   |
交叉连接就是将两表的数据进行交叉组合,显示出组合(1和1,2进行组合,结果可以是1,1 | 1,2)

mysql> select t2.name,t2.age,t2.dep_id,t3.name from t2,t3;
| name  | age  | dep_id | name |
| tom   |   19 |    200 | hr   |
| tom   |   19 |    200 | it   |
| jack  |   20 |    203 | hr   |
| jack  |   20 |    203 | it   |
| alice |   18 |    200 | hr   |
| alice |   18 |    200 | it   |
| robin |   20 |    200 | hr   |
| robin |   20 |    200 | it   |

mysql> select t2.id,t2.name,t2.age,t3.name from t2,t3 where t2.dep_id=t3.dep_id;
mysql> select id,t2.name,age,t3.name from t2,t3 where t2.dep_id=t3.dep_id;
| id | name  | age  | name |
|  1 | tom   |   19 | hr   |
|  2 | jack  |   20 | it   |
|  3 | alice |   18 | hr   |
|  4 | robin |   20 | hr   |


mysql> select * from student;
| stu_id | name   |
|   1001 | 张三   |
|   1002 | 李四   |
|   1003 | 王五   |
mysql> select * from scores;
| stu_id | cour_id | scores |
|   1001 |       1 |     67 |
|   1001 |       2 |     84 |
|   1001 |       3 |     56 |
|   1002 |       1 |     88 |
|   1002 |       2 |     72 |
|   1002 |       3 |     70 |
|   1003 |       1 |     82 |
|   1003 |       2 |     68 |
|   1003 |       3 |     77 |
mysql> select * from course;
| cour_id | cour_name |
|       1 | 语文      |
|       2 | 数学      |
|       3 | 英语      |
mysql> select student.stu_id,name,cour_name,scores 
     > from student,scores,course 
     > where student.stu_id=scores.stu_id 
     > and course.cour_id=scores.cour_id 
     > and scores<60;
mysql> select student.stu_id,name,cour_name,max(scores),
(select sum(scores) from scores group by stu_id order by 
sum(scores) desc limit 1) as sum,
     > course.cour_name,max(scores),name,scores.stu_id 
     > from course,student,scores 
     > where course.cour_id=scores.cour_id 
     > and student.stu_id=scores.stu_id 
     > group by name,scores.stu_id,course.cour_name 
     > order by sum(scores) desc limit 1;

| sum  | cour_name | max(scores) | name   | stu_id |
|  230 | 语文      |          88 | 李四    |   1002 |

select 字段列表 from 表1 left|right join 表2 on 表1.字段 = 表2.字段;

mysql> insert into t2(name,age,dep_id) values('awei',18,204);
mysql> insert into t3(name,dep_id) values('sale',206);
mysql> select id,t2.name,age,t3.name 
    -> from t2 left join t3 on t2.dep_id=t3.dep_id; 
| id | name  | age  | name |
|  1 | tom   |   19 | hr   |
|  3 | alice |   18 | hr   |
|  4 | robin |   20 | hr   |
|  2 | jack  |   20 | it   |
|  5 | awei  |   18 | NULL |
mysql> select id,t2.name,age,t3.name 
    -> from t2 right join t3 on t2.dep_id=t3.dep_id;
| id   | name  | age  | name |
|    1 | tom   |   19 | hr   |
|    2 | jack  |   20 | it   |
|    3 | alice |   18 | hr   |
|    4 | robin |   20 | hr   |
| NULL | NULL  | NULL | sale |


mysql> select * from t2 full join t3;
| id | name  | age  | dep_id | dep_id | name |
|  1 | tom   |   19 |    200 |    200 | hr   |
|  1 | tom   |   19 |    200 |    203 | it   |
|  1 | tom   |   19 |    200 |    206 | sale |
|  2 | jack  |   20 |    203 |    200 | hr   |
|  2 | jack  |   20 |    203 |    203 | it   |
|  2 | jack  |   20 |    203 |    206 | sale |
|  3 | alice |   18 |    200 |    200 | hr   |
|  3 | alice |   18 |    200 |    203 | it   |
|  3 | alice |   18 |    200 |    206 | sale |
|  4 | robin |   20 |    200 |    200 | hr   |
|  4 | robin |   20 |    200 |    203 | it   |
|  4 | robin |   20 |    200 |    206 | sale |
|  5 | awei  |   18 |    204 |    200 | hr   |
|  5 | awei  |   18 |    204 |    203 | it   |
|  5 | awei  |   18 |    204 |    206 | sale |


查询出年龄大于18,且连同所属部门,id,name,age 一同显示
mysql> select id,t2.name,age,t3.name as dept_name
    -> from t2,t3 where t2.dep_id=t3.dep_id and age>18;
| id | name  | age  | name |
|  1 | tom   |   19 | hr   |
|  4 | robin |   20 | hr   |
|  2 | jack  |   20 | it   |
mysql> select id,t2.name,age,t3.name as dept_name 
    -> from t2,t3 where t2.dep_id=t3.dep_id order by age;
| id | name  | age  | dept_name |
|  3 | alice |   18 | hr        |
|  1 | tom   |   19 | hr        |
|  4 | robin |   20 | hr        |
|  2 | jack  |   20 | it        |


mysql> select * from t2 where dep_id in (select dep_id from t3);
| id | name  | age  | dep_id |
|  1 | tom   |   19 |    200 |
|  2 | jack  |   20 |    203 |
|  3 | alice |   18 |    200 |
|  4 | robin |   20 |    200 |
mysql> select * from t2 where dep_id in (select dep_id from t3 where age>18);
| id | name  | age  | dep_id |
|  1 | tom   |   19 |    200 |
|  4 | robin |   20 |    200 |
|  2 | jack  |   20 |    203 |

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