Last login: Tue Aug 4 17:06:15 on ttys001
yushengyangdeMac-mini:~ yushengyang$ ssh root@
root@'s password:
ule-aofeilinde-iPod:~ root# debugserver -x backboard *:1234 /var/mobile/Applications/54F54843-C65C-4503-B6A3-41508D184BDF/
debugserver-310.2 for armv7.
Listening to port 1234 for a connection from *...
Got a connection, launched process debugserver.
ule-aofeilinde-iPod:~ root# debugserver -x backboard *:1234 /var/mobile/Applications/54F54843-C65C-4503-B6A3-41508D184BDF/
debugserver-310.2 for armv7.
Listening to port 1234 for a connection from *...
Got a connection, launched process debugserver.