

perpetual adj

1.never ending or changing.

deep caves in perpetual darkness

同义词: everlasting, never-ending, eternal, permanent, unending, endless, without end, lasting, long-lasting, constant, abiding, enduring, timeless, ageless, deathless, undying,unfailing, unchanging, never-changing, changeless, unfading, sempiternal, unending, unceasing, persistent, unbroken

2.occurring repeatedly; so frequent as to seem endless and uninterrupted.

their perpetual money worries

同义词: interminable, incessant, ceaseless, endless, without respite, relentless


empirical adj

based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.

they provided considerable empirical evidence to support their argument

同义词: experiential, practical, heuristic, firsthand, hands-on, observed


falsify verb

1.alter (information or evidence) so as to mislead.

It was called following allegations that in one ward alone, 3,000 out of 7,000 postal codes were stolen, altered or falsified during last year's local elections.

2.prove (a statement or theory) to be false.

the hypothesis is falsified by the evidence

同义词: disprove, refute, debunk, negate, negative, invalidate, contradict,


hypothesis noun

a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

professional astronomers attacked him for popularizing an unconfirmed hypothesis

同义词: theory, theorem, thesis, conjecture, supposition


speculative adj

1.engaged in, expressing, or based on conjecture rather than knowledge.

discussion of the question is largely speculative

同义词: conjectural, suppositional, theoretical, hypothetical, putative, academic, notional, abstract, tentative, unproven, unfounded, groundless, unsubstantiated

2.(of an investment) involving a high risk of loss.

Regulators fear that informal lending is fueling speculative investment in real estate and other sectors.

同义词: risky, hazardous, unsafe, uncertain, unpredictable


foil adj

the track or scent of a hunted animal.a setback in an enterprise; a defeat.

metal hammered or rolled into a thin flexible sheet, used chiefly for covering or wrapping food.

aluminum foil


paper-thin  adj

extremely thin or insubstantial.

paper-thin pancakes


propose verb

put forward (an idea or plan) for consideration or discussion by others.

he proposed a new nine-point peace plan

同义词: put forward, suggest, submit, advance, offer



having or representing the earth as the center, as in former astronomical systems.

Can you envisage how concerned you'd become if your satellite TV company started planning its coverage using a geocentric system of astronomy based on the use of Ptolemy's epicycles?


simultaneously adv

at the same time.

the telethon was broadcast simultaneously on 31 US networks

同义词: at (one and) the same time, at the same instant/moment


aparatus noun

1.the technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose.

laboratory apparatus

同义词: equipment, gear, rig, tackle, gadgetry, appliance, instrument, machine, mechanism, device, contraption, gadget, gizmo, doohickey

a complex structure within an organization or system.

2.the apparatus of government

同义词: structure, system, framework, organization, network

a collection of notes, variant readings, and other matter accompanying a printed text.

A celebrated advantage of electronic editions of early modern literature is their capacity for representing multiple states of the text while avoiding a critical apparatus that relegates variants to footnotes


superonva noun

a star that suddenly increases greatly in brightness because of a catastrophic explosion that ejects most of its mass.

They discover comets, asteroids, quasars, pulsars, supernovae , planets orbiting other stars, and galaxies at the edge of the universe, but none have ever claimed to have discovered a UFO.



1.four times as great or as numerous. noun

there has been a fourfold increase in break-ins

2.by four times; to four times the number or amount.adv

the price of electricity rose fourfold


ingenious adj

(of a person) clever, original, and inventive.

he was ingenious enough to overcome the limited budget

同义词: inventive, creative, imaginative, original, innovative, pioneering,



an instrument formerly used to make astronomical measurements, typically of the altitudes of celestial bodies, and in navigation for calculating latitude, before the development of the sextant. In its basic form (known from classical times), it consists of a disk with the edge marked in degrees and a pivoted pointer.

Lavanha also studied instruments used in navigation, constructing astrolabes , quadrants and compasses.


monopoly noun

1.the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.

his likely motive was to protect his regional monopoly on furs

2.a board game in which players engage in simulated property and financial dealings using imitation money. It was invented in the US and the name was coined by Charles Darrow circa 1935.

He has spent thousands of pounds on the collection which includes a Batman and Robin version of Monopoly, a Monopoly fruit machine and a specially-made wooden board worth £700.



It is passed from bunny to bunny by biting insects such as the flea and mosquito so prevention of these is important.


combustion noun

the process of burning something.

the combustion of fossil fuels

同义词: burning, kindling, ignition


reconstruct verb

build or form (something) again after it has been damaged or destroyed.

a small area of painted Roman plaster has been reconstructed


demonstrate verb

1.clearly show the existence or truth of (something) by giving proof or evidence.

their shameful silence demonstrates their ineptitude

同义词: reveal, bespeak, indicate, signify, signal, denote, show, display, exhibit, bear witness to, testify to, imply, intimate, give away

2.take part in a public demonstration.

thousands demonstrated in favor of the government

同义词: protest, rally, march, stage a sit-in, picket, strike, walk out

reading notes

The "science" described about the devlopment of science,and the scientist how to seek out the truth,compared star-gazed of western ,China and Indian.

Everything is uncertainty and infinity,which is impressed me.even turth will be false when technology make a big progress and people eyesight was widen.For example,Albert Einstein proposed his theory of relativity,shaking classical physics and ending the iade of an absolute time and space.

why these scientist can find truth?"I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then findiing a smoother pebble·····whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.",Isaac Newton said.

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