- 通常我们在 info.plist 中,可以看到类似如下配置:
- Bundle Display Name - ${PRODUCT_NAME}
- Executable File - ${EXECUTABLE_NAME}
- Bundle Name - ${PRODUCT_NAME}
Bundle name – is folder name, where your app (including executable file and all resources) will be stored (Cool Program.app). Executable name – is a program binary name, i.e. Cool Program.app/CoolProgram Bundle display name – is what will be shown on iPhone screen, for example Cool Prog (since Cool Program probably will not fit on Springboard). And, Apple claims, that Bundle Display name must correspond to Bundle name, i.e. you cannot use bundle name TheApplication, and bundle display name Something Other
- Bundle name 简单来说就是 App 安装到 iOS 机子里的 App 文件夹名。
- Executable name – 执行程序名,默认与 PRODUCT_NAME 一致。
- Bundle display name – 真正显示到用户屏幕上的 App 名称。
可见在模拟器/真机上显示的名字是由Bundle Display Name决定的。默认情况下Bundle Display Name就等同于Product Name,所以就造成了我认为Product Name就是应用显示名的错觉。