When it comes to deliberate practice, First, we are supposed to draw a clear distinction between deliberate practice (DP) and purposeful practice (PP). Deliberate practice is purposeful practice that knows where it is going and how to get there .In short, it is practice that is both purposeful and informed, so “informed” is the essence of DP.To be specific, DP should be designed and overseen by a teacher with effective and well-established techniques.
Furthermore,how to apply the principles of DP? It boils down to purposeful practice with a few extra steps: first,identify the expert performers ,then figure out what they do that makes them so good—mostly find out how their mental representations work,then come up with training techniques that allow you to do it, too.And finally remember that, whenever possible, the best approach is almost always to work with a good coach or teacher, for they may give you a good foundation and valuable feedback.
终于讲到刻意练习了,Deliberate Practice(DP)和Purposeful Practice(PP)的区别也终于在本章讲清楚了。两者的共同之处在于都是有效的练习方法,DP的诸多特征中涵盖了PP的四个特征(见以上DP导图);区别的话,用公式表示就是DP=PP+ informed . 由此可见informed是刻意练习的关键,是它与其他练习和PP的重要区别。这个informed说得再具体些,就是体现在成熟高效的训练体系(well-established and effective training techniques)和老师指点(it requires a teacher who can provide practice activities designed to help a student improve his or her performance).
文中最有感触的就是这句了:Get as close to deliberate practice as you can !让我们离刻意练习更近些吧!让暴风雨来的更猛烈些吧(get out of comfort zone)! 学习的方法多种多样,例如学英语,我们可以选择自己看书学习,或是参加读书群,或是参加晨读群,但有一点是肯定的,在一种互动(synergy)、有老师或高手及时指点(feedback),也就是一种informed的气氛中,个人的提高应该是最快的。
当初开始晨读内心是忐忑的,对我而言,早起是一件多么痛苦的事情,放弃是随时可能的事情。突然发现到今天已经整整坚持了一个月! It‘s a banner day!(买蛋糕庆祝下,一定要有仪式感)。中间有松懈或坚持不下去的念头时,我的经验是,每当有这样的念头冒出来的时候,不要纠缠!屏蔽!屏蔽!迅速投入到要做的事情当中。虽然这只个阶段性的小成果,但给我很大的信心。这也算是在刻意练习过程一点小体会吧。
1、Much of Chaffin’s work with Imreh is reminiscent of how I monitored Steve ‘s development of mental representations.
2、cold又一次出现了。She was not coming to this piece cold—she’d heard it many times /But sometimes you run into something that stops you cold and it seems like you'll never be able to do it./ cold , 副词,表示suddenly and completely。
3、she managed to do justice to both the forest and the trees./ do justice to =to treat sb or sth in a fair way and show their true qualities . 公平对待,充分发挥。
4、本章出现 refer to的两种用法:The patient was referred to an eye doctor / If a person who is ill is referred to a hospital or a specialist,they are sent there by a doctor in order to be treated.把…送往/例:She was referred to the hospital by a neighborhood clinic.她被一家社区诊所送往医院救诊了/ Researchers refer to this sort of writing as “knowledge transforming”.
refer to的用法好多,顺便复习下:
a)涉及,谈到,提到;关系到:Henever referred to his sisters in his letters.
b)提交(某人或某机关考虑办理或决定):They referred their plan to the management.
c)归于=attribute:Mr White referred his success to his hard work. / The scientists referred the tiger to the cat family.科学家将虎归入猫科。
d)引证;查阅,参考:If you don't know the spelling of a word, you should refer to a dictionary.如果你不会拼写一个词,你应当查一下词典。(还可以用consult这个词)
e)向(某人)查询;让…找…(处理):For further details, I refer you to the advisory department.详细情况请与咨询处联系。/ The salesman referred me to the manager.售货员让我去找经理。
f)适用于:These regulations refer to every foreigner.这些规章适用于一切外国人。
g)指…而言(as): All his classmates referred to him as blackbeard.”他的同学都称他为“黑胡子”。