用法:through 作为前置词(介词)时的一种词义“直至……”或“……至……”,这种词义用法主要用于美式英语中;
牛津词典的解释为“U.S. Up to (a date, a number, a specified item, etc.) inclusively, up to the end of, up to and including, to, until;often correlative to 'from'”(美式英语用法,包含式直至(某日期,某个数目,某个具体项,等等),至……末尾,直至并包含,至,直到;通常与from关系使用)(注:不用from也可)下面是一些例子,打"()"表示“from”可选,加上也不算错,英式英语为“from...to”:
(1) Equations(4) through(6) are known as
Euler’s formulas.
(2) (from) 1900 through 1950.
(3) MondaythroughFriday.
(4)I was in college (from) 1997 through 2001. (同义表达:I was in college from 1997 to 2001.)
(5) I
go to work (from)mondaythroughfriday.(同义表达:I go to work from Monday to Friday.)
(6) Continued the operathroughscene 9, Act 3.
继续表演歌剧直到第 3 幕第 9 场。
(7)H.BROWN(title) Rabelais in English literature through Sterne.
(8) Atlantic Monthly May 538 Mr.
Helffernan was mayor for four years, from 1927through1931.
大西洋月刊 5 月 538 号: Helffernan先生从1927到1931年担任了四年市长。
(9)M.KRAITCHIK Math. Recreations vi 130Poissoncalculated this probability,taking into account the cards dealt in the firsthand. His result does not differthroughthe third decimal place.
M.KRAITCHIK数学娱乐VI. 130考虑到第一手发的牌,泊松计算了这个概率。他的结果直至小数点后第三位保持不变。
(10) aplay that runsthroughDecember.
(11) avolume that covers AthroughD.
涵盖 A 到 D 的卷。