
1. 写在前面

2. Normalization, variance stabilization, and regression of unwanted variation for each sample

  • 使用的是 Seurat 中的方法 sctransform

2.1. Cell cycle scoring

  • sctransform 会默认抹平测序深度差异,但是细胞周期差异也需要抹除,因此在 sctransform 之前先检查一下细胞周期的情况
# 先进行一个粗略的归一化(除以每个细胞的总count再取自然对数)
seurat_phase <- NormalizeData(filtered_seurat)

## 拿到细胞周期相关基因list
## for HS
# # Load cell cycle markers
# load("data/cycle.rda")

## for MM
# cc_file <-
#   getURL("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hbc/tinyatlas/master/cell_cycle/Mus_musculus.csv")
# cell_cycle_genes <- read.csv(text = cc_file)
# 可以采用上面的方式直接从网页拿,实际操作的时候服务器的网出了点问题,所以就在PC上直接下好了,很小的文件
cell_cycle_genes = read.csv("data/Mus_musculus.csv")
g2m_genes = cell_cycle_genes[cell_cycle_genes[,1]=="G2/M",2]
s_genes = cell_cycle_genes[cell_cycle_genes[,1]=="S",2]

# ID转换
g2m_symbol = bitr(g2m_genes, fromType="ENSEMBL", toType="SYMBOL", OrgDb="org.Mm.eg.db")
s_symbol = bitr(s_genes, fromType="ENSEMBL", toType="SYMBOL", OrgDb="org.Mm.eg.db")

# Score cells for cell cycle
seurat_phase <- CellCycleScoring(seurat_phase,
                                 g2m.features = g2m_symbol[,2],
                                 s.features = s_symbol[,2])

# View cell cycle scores and phases assigned to cells
  • 在对每个细胞进行一个细胞周期评分之后,需要判断细胞周期是否是基因表达量差异的主要因素,因此需要进行 PCA
  • 在 PCA 之前,需先选取 most variable features,然后对数据进行 标准化,使得任一基因在所有细胞中的表达量均值为 0,方差为 1
  • 然后对三种细胞周期的细胞分别进行 PCA
# Identify the most variable genes
seurat_phase <- FindVariableFeatures(seurat_phase,
                                     selection.method = "vst",
                                     nfeatures = 2000,
                                     verbose = FALSE)

# Scale the counts
seurat_phase <- ScaleData(seurat_phase)

# Perform PCA
seurat_phase <- RunPCA(seurat_phase)

# Plot the PCA colored by cell cycle phase
        reduction = "pca",
        group.by= "Phase",
        split.by = "Phase")
  • 可以看到 G1 期和非 G1 期有差异,说明细胞周期基因是高变成分,后面的 SCTransform 中需要把细胞周期差异去掉

2.2. SCTransform

  • 首先将 Seurat 对象按 sample 分开,分别对每个 sample 的细胞进行 NormalizeData, CellCycleScoring, SCTransform
options(future.globals.maxSize = 4000 * 1024^2)
# Split seurat object by condition to perform cell cycle scoring and SCT on all samples
split_seurat <- SplitObject(filtered_seurat, split.by = "sample")

split_seurat <- split_seurat[c("sigaf1", "sigag1", "sigah1")]

for (i in 1:length(split_seurat)) {
  split_seurat[[i]] <- NormalizeData(split_seurat[[i]], verbose = TRUE)
  split_seurat[[i]] <- CellCycleScoring(split_seurat[[i]],
                                        g2m.features = g2m_symbol[,2],
                                        s.features = s_symbol[,2])
  split_seurat[[i]] <- SCTransform(split_seurat[[i]],
                                   vars.to.regress = c("mitoRatio","S.Score","G2M.Score"))
  • 该流程中注意:若细胞数较大(如远大于15000),则可以将 SCTransform() 函数中的 variable.features.n 参数设置得大一些(默认3000)
  • 可以看到差别还是很大的,需要整合。

3. Integration of the samples using shared highly variable genes (optional, but recommended)

# Select the most variable features to use for integration
integ_features <- SelectIntegrationFeatures(object.list = split_seurat,
                                            nfeatures = 3000)
# Prepare the SCT list object for integration
split_seurat <- PrepSCTIntegration(object.list = split_seurat,
                                   anchor.features = integ_features)
# Find best buddies - can take a while to run
integ_anchors <- FindIntegrationAnchors(object.list = split_seurat,
                                        normalization.method = "SCT",
                                        anchor.features = integ_features)
seurat_integrated <- IntegrateData(anchorset = integ_anchors,
                                   normalization.method = "SCT")
# Save integrated seurat object
save(seurat_integrated, file = "data/seurat_integrated.Rdata")

# 可视化看一下效果
# Run PCA
seurat_integrated <- RunPCA(object = seurat_integrated)

# Plot PCA
        split.by = "sample")

# Run UMAP
seurat_integrated <- RunUMAP(seurat_integrated,
                             dims = 1:40,
                             reduction = "pca")

# Plot UMAP
        split.by = "sample")

4. Clustering cells based on top PCs (metagenes)

4.1. 选择高变 PC

  • 常规两种方法
  • 一是以最高变的 PC 和细胞作为行和列画热图,看从哪个 PC 开始界线变得模糊,这个方法的缺点是如果要看大量 PC 的话很不方便
# Explore heatmap of PCs
           dims = 1:9,
           cells = 500,
           balanced = TRUE)
  • 二是画 elbow plot,看拐点出现的位置,这个方法的缺点是没有明确的拐点标准,非常主观化
# Plot the elbow plot
ElbowPlot(object = seurat_integrated,
          ndims = 40)
  • 但是其实挑选 PC 这一步只对于一些老的归一化方法来说是必须的,由于我们使用 SCTransform 进行 normalization,已经排除了技术原因(非生物学原因)产生的 PC,理论上我们选择越多的 PC,分群聚类时就会有越多有意义的差异被考虑在内,只是计算时间会更长,所以我们选择前 40 个 PC

4.2. 分群聚类

# Determine the K-nearest neighbor graph
seurat_integrated <- FindNeighbors(object = seurat_integrated,
                                   dims = 1:40)

# Determine the clusters for various resolutions
seurat_integrated <- FindClusters(object = seurat_integrated,
                                  resolution = c(0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.4))

# Explore resolutions
seurat_integrated@meta.data %>%
  • 关于 resolustion 的选择,对于细胞数在 3000-5000 之间的数据集,一般可以采用 0.4-1.4 之间的分辨率
  • 然后进行可视化看聚类效果,两种常用的降维方法:t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) and Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) techniques
# Assign identity of clusters
Idents(object = seurat_integrated) <- "integrated_snn_res.0.8"

# Plot the UMAP
        reduction = "umap",
        label = TRUE,
        label.size = 6)
  • res = 0.8
  • res = 0.4

5. Exploration of quality control metrics

determine whether clusters are unbalanced wrt UMIs, genes, cell cycle, mitochondrial content, samples, etc.

5.1. 按样本分离聚类

# Extract identity and sample information from seurat object to determine the number of cells per cluster per sample
n_cells <- FetchData(seurat_integrated,
                     vars = c("ident", "orig.ident")) %>%
  dplyr::count(ident, orig.ident) %>%
  tidyr::spread(ident, n)

# View table

# UMAP of cells in each cluster by sample
        label = TRUE,
        split.by = "sample")  + NoLegend()

5.2. 按细胞周期分离聚类

# Explore whether clusters segregate by cell cycle phase
        label = TRUE,
        split.by = "Phase")  + NoLegend()
  • 结果不是非常理想

5.3. 其他想剔除的因素

# Determine metrics to plot present in seurat_integrated@meta.data
metrics <-  c("nUMI", "nGene", "S.Score", "G2M.Score", "mitoRatio")

            reduction = "umap",
            features = metrics,
            pt.size = 0.4,
            sort.cell = TRUE,
            min.cutoff = 'q10',
            label = TRUE)
  • 可以看到分布不那么均匀

5.4. 尝试不做 SCTransform 进行对比

  • filtered_seurat 开始
## NO SCT, NO intergration
# 先进行一个粗略的归一化(除以每个细胞的总count再取自然对数)
seurat_phase <- NormalizeData(filtered_seurat)

cell_cycle_genes = read.csv("data/Mus_musculus.csv")
g2m_genes = cell_cycle_genes[cell_cycle_genes[,1]=="G2/M",2]
s_genes = cell_cycle_genes[cell_cycle_genes[,1]=="S",2]

# ID转换
g2m_symbol = bitr(g2m_genes, fromType="ENSEMBL", toType="SYMBOL", OrgDb="org.Mm.eg.db")
s_symbol = bitr(s_genes, fromType="ENSEMBL", toType="SYMBOL", OrgDb="org.Mm.eg.db")

# Score cells for cell cycle
seurat_phase <- CellCycleScoring(seurat_phase,
                                 g2m.features = g2m_symbol[,2],
                                 s.features = s_symbol[,2])

# Identify the most variable genes
seurat_phase <- FindVariableFeatures(seurat_phase,
                                     selection.method = "vst",
                                     nfeatures = 2000,
                                     verbose = FALSE)

# Scale the counts
seurat_phase <- ScaleData(seurat_phase)

# Perform PCA
seurat_phase <- RunPCA(seurat_phase)

# Run UMAP
seurat_phase <- RunUMAP(seurat_phase,
                             dims = 1:40,
                             reduction = "pca")
# UMAP of cells in each cluster by sample
        label = TRUE,
        split.by = "sample")  + NoLegend()

        label = TRUE,
        split.by = "Phase")  + NoLegend()

# Determine metrics to plot present in seurat_integrated@meta.data
metrics <-  c("nUMI", "nGene", "S.Score", "G2M.Score", "mitoRatio")

            reduction = "umap",
            features = metrics,
            pt.size = 0.4,
            sort.cell = TRUE,
            min.cutoff = 'q10',
            label = TRUE)
  • 可以看到 SCTransform 是有效果的,但效果并不好

5.5. 查看各 PC 在各亚群中的表达情况

# Defining the information in the seurat object of interest
columns <- c(paste0("PC_", 1:16),
             "UMAP_1", "UMAP_2")

# Extracting this data from the seurat object
pc_data <- FetchData(seurat_integrated,
                     vars = columns)

# Adding cluster label to center of cluster on UMAP
umap_label <- FetchData(seurat_integrated,
                        vars = c("ident", "UMAP_1", "UMAP_2"))  %>%
  group_by(ident) %>%
  summarise(x=mean(UMAP_1), y=mean(UMAP_2))

# Plotting a UMAP plot for each of the PCs
map(paste0("PC_", 1:16), function(pc){
         aes(UMAP_1, UMAP_2)) +
               alpha = 0.7) +
    scale_color_gradient(guide = FALSE,
                         low = "grey90",
                         high = "blue")  +
              aes(label=ident, x, y)) +
}) %>%
  plot_grid(plotlist = .)

  • PC1 在 4 群
  • PC2 在 5/8 群
  • PC3 在 6 群
  • PC4 在除了 5/7 外的群
  • PC5 在 6/11/13/15/20 群
  • PC6 在除了 12/14/15 外的群
  • PC9 在 4/8 群
  • PC15 在 14 群

6. Searching for expected cell types using known cell type-specific gene markers

  • 如果一种细胞类型有多个 marker,则需要找到表达所有 marker 的亚群
  • 如果一个亚群包含多种已知细胞类型,则需要提高分辨率或提高 PC 数来将不同细胞类型区分开


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