《Principles》读书笔记 - 精读营 2018/02/18
18 /Feb 《Principles》Part III - Work Principle Chapter 10(Page 396-420)
To Build and Evolve Your Machine
Chapter 10: Manage as Someone Operating a Machine to Achieve a Goal
- Understand that a great manager is essentially an organisational engineer.
- Think like the owner, expect the people you work with to do the same.
Hold yourself and your people accountable and appreciate them for holding your accountable.
Reading notes / Understanding:
- 在前两部分介绍了To Get The Culture Right & To Get The People Right 把企业文化和人的因素讲明白之后,这一部分Ray着重讲的是如何去管理和进化企业的那些原则!
- 管理企业同样也应该Higher Level往下看,套用一句时髦的话就是:从高维去考虑, 可以看得更清楚和透彻!
- 有必要的了解Ray的一个说法:一个好的领导其实是企业的一个工程师!说的很透彻,一个好的领导就应该像一个工程师一样, 发现根本的问题、找出解决方法、观察能否解决问题、不断迭代这些工作流程和提高效率!
- 责任 --- 自己首先要负责,同时负有责任让手下的人也对他们的工作负责。每个人把自己都当做企业的主人,这样每个人才可以不断地去积极的提高企业的效益!
Don't give orders and try to be followed, try to understand and to understand others by Getting in Sync! 同样,企业内部的信息同步相当重要,作为一个好的领导,不要追求去发号施令,学者去同步!