晨读笔记|Speak Business English Like an American

Lesson1: Talking About a New Project



a blockbuster movie/novel   卖座钜片/风靡一时的小说

bells and whistles 华丽的点缀 

The Economist :The extra bells and whistles no longer make a deep impression

make a killing (短时间内轻易地)获得暴利,发大财

例句:They made a killing with the sale of their London house.他们将伦敦的房子卖掉,赚了一大笔钱。

keep it under wraps / Mum's the word 保守秘密

get wind of the idea听到…的风声;得知…秘密消息

例句:I don't want my colleagues to get wind of the fact that I'm leaving.我不想让我的同事知道我要离开的消息。

 rip it off 窃取某物 


不要重读代词:比如 they, we, our, I, you etc.

going to→ gonna 

want to → wanna

This is a great idea 重音放在idea上

project 作为名词时重音放在pro[ˈprɑː.dʒekt], 作为动词时重音放在ject[prəˈdʒekt/

Lesson 2 Talking About Financial Issues


back-of-the-envelope calculations 粗略估算

同义表达:ballpark/rough figure

educated guess 基于一定知识的猜测 

blow one's mind 使感到极度兴奋(或激动) 

one's heads on the chopping block 某人陷入大麻烦中

pull the plug on 叫停某个项目

plug away (at sth) 坚持不懈地做(尤指困难的工作)

前几天在阅读The Economist 时也遇到了plug away这个短语






CFO DVD BBC之类的大写名词,重音应放在最后一个字母上

Lesson 3: Discussing a New Ad Campaign


nothing is set in stone 没有事情敲定下来


        例句:We need to do some brainstorming before we get down to detailed planning.在进行详细计划之前我们需要集思广益。

half-baked ideas 不成熟的创意

generate lots of buzz 引起很多人讨论(产品或者是服务)

buzz around/about 忙于...... 

buzz off 走开

buzzword (尤指在电视或报纸上频繁使用的)时髦词语。在0601期的The Economist 中也出现了buzzword

 an arm and a leg 许多资金

twist one‘s arm 说服某人

flesh sth out 补充更多的细节


in a couple of days 注意连读

What a great endorsement great要弱化t音

Lesson 4: Talking About Manufacturing


work out the kinks 解决问题

同义表达:iron sth out 消除;解决

例句:We're still trying to iron out some problems with the computer system.我们仍在试图解决电脑系统中的一些问题。

fine-tune 对......进行微调 【SYN】tinker/tweak 【OPP】overhaul/heavy lift

No ifs, ands, or buts 没有任何借口

That‘s a big if 很有可能

just for the record 发表意见

step up to the plate 付诸行动;采取措施



months 直接念s, 不发th的音

plenty of time 弱化of的发音

a reality check 重音放在reality上

Lesson 5: Talking About Company Strategy


cutting-edge technologies 前沿技术

cash cow 摇钱树,赢利部门(指一企业中始终赢利并给其他部门提供资金的部门) 

real dog 表现不佳的产品

me-too products 高仿产品

beef up 加强,充实。在0601期的The Economist 中也出现了beef up 这个表达

Lesson 6: Disussing Good Results


Kudos to sb. 赞赏某人

a pat on the back 称赞,赞扬

a free gift/ give away/freebie 赠品

pan out informal  (以某种方式)发展;进展顺利

        We'll have to see how things pan out.我们要看看事情如何发展。


had a record-breaking, had 和 a 要连读

brought in revenues, brought 和in 要连读

beef up 重音在up 上

How do we do that? that 要重读

leapfrog our competitors/beef up our R&D department中our都要弱读

Lesson 7 : Discussing Bad Results


face the music 面对现实

to the tune of 总额达,总计 

例句:The City Council had financed the new building to the tune of over 4 million pounds.市政会为建这座新大厦已经出资了400多万英镑。

cash in on sth. (不太好的)利用


We're going to be... 要弱化We're的发音

bring some new blood into... new要弱读

You took the words right out of my mouth! right out of 要连读

Lesson 8: Discussing a Difficult Decision


back and forth on this issue 反复地思考这个问题

prons and cons 好处和坏处


在0601期的The Economist 中也出现了wishy-washy这个表达

bite the bullet 咬紧牙关应付,硬着头皮应付;勇敢地面对

      例句:I hate going to the dentist, but I suppose I'll just have to bite the bullet.我不愿去看牙医,但看来我不得不硬着头皮去。


注意decision中sion的发音 [dɪ'sɪʒ.ən] 


Lesson 9: Dealing with a Dissatisfied Customer


a far cry from 完全不一样

在0601期的The Economist 中也出现了a far cry from这个表达

I‘m not going to mince words 直言不讳

deliver one's promise 兑现诺言

over promised and under delivered

go all out to do sth = make it all out effort竭尽全力做某事

(to be)swapmed 非常繁忙


The shopping cart doesn't even work 中doesn't要弱读

Lesson 10 : Discussing a Difficult Request


kick off 开始

take  a crack at it 尝试做某事

roll up one's sleeves and give it our best shot 撸起袖子加油干

Nothing ventured, nothing gained

 a can-do attitude / spirit    乐观态度/精神  


our marketing department 中的t要弱读

can-do attitude 重音放在can上

Lesson 11: Motivating Co-workers


work one's tail off 辛苦工作

We've been down before, but we always come back fighting

rest on our laurels forever 不思进取


a successful track record 重音放在track上,另外要注意record的发音

Lesson 12: Running a Meeting


In a nutshell 总而言之

I beg to differ 我不同意

That's putting it lightly 太对了,就是这样

put into one's two cents 给出某人的意见

circle back to 一会儿再回来谈......


better 的't' 发音像‘d’

going to =gonna, want to =wanna

Lesson 13 Discussing a Mistake


 short by 少了

dot your i's and cross your t's 十分注意细节

同义表达: mind your p's and q's

No big deal= No biggie

Don't make a mountain out of a molehill不要过度夸张

a bitter pill to swallow 不好的消息;难以接受的事物

up to scratch 达到标准

例句:Your last essay wasn't up to scratch/didn't comeup to scratch.你上一篇文章没有达到水准。


short by 注意short的发音


Lesson 14: Taking Credit for Good Results


push the envelope 超越界线;突破:

»He is a performer who consistently pushes the envelope of TV comedy. 他是一个在电视喜剧表演中不断寻求突破的演员。

burn the midnight oil= pull an all-nighter 熬夜

How did you pull that off ?你怎么做到的(强调很难)

hunker down 蹲守;准备长期逗留在某处 


working around the clock 重音要放在clock上面

Lesson 15: Shifting Blame


shell out =fork out= cough out(通常指不情愿地)支付,拿出(钱) 

fall guy = whipping boy =scapegoat因错误受到指责的人

dream on =read on 做梦去吧

pass the buck =wash one's hands of the whole thing推卸责任送


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