去年底的时候跟凑热闹跟两个英国的博士生还有一位印度的小伙伴合写一篇关于MOOC的小文章,今年年中定的稿,这几天说投稿的Journal要一段 100 words 的 bio。
Rongsheng WANG (Cedric) is currently working as a research assistant at the Service Design Institute at Tsinghua University. Rongsheng is an experienced MOOC practitioner. As a MOOC professional, he achieved the EDUCAUSE certificate for blended learning designer, and was involved in the course design, operation and management for a number of MOOC courses at Tsinghua University. As a MOOC learner, he has completed more than 50 MOOC courses on a variety of topics including education, economics, business management, etc. In addition, he keeps a blog at www.MOOC.Reviews where he shares his personal experiences and insights on MOOC topics.
Rongsheng WANG (Cedric) is the EDUCAUSE Certified Blended Learning Designer, currently working for Service Design Institute at Tsinghua University in China. He formerly worked for the online education company affiliated to School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University as MOOC Course Designer and Education Product Manager. Besides, he also helps with blended course designing and operation in Tsinghua. Apart from MOOC/SPOC course designing and management, Cedric had also completed more than 50 MOOC courses focusing on education and management from Coursera and other MOOC platforms. He also keeps a blog of his MOOC experience at www.MOOC.Reviews