2015年1月6日,Google官方发布了一系列关于Android性能优化的小视频,将其命名为Android Performance Patterns,这一些列视频放在YouTube上,观看的话需要科学地上网。
Android Performance Patterns is a collection of videos focused entirely on helping developers write faster, more performant Android Applications. On one side, it’s about peeling back the layers of the Android System, and exposing how things are working under the hood. On the other side, it’s about teaching you how the tools work, and what to look for in order to extract the right perf out of your app.
But at the end of the day, Android Performance Patterns is all giving you the right resources, at the right time to help make the fastest, smoothest, most awesome experience for your users. And that’s the whole point, right?
另外催生我写这一系列文章的是胡凯,他的博客 http://hukai.me/android-performance-patterns 第一时间就将这一些列视频的内容翻译成了中文,优美的排版加上过硬的翻译,让这篇博文被广泛传播,备受好评。同时他也是github上 android-training-course-in-chinese 项目的发起人,他的Github主页:https://github.com/kesenhoo。他对于分享的热情我非常敬佩。如果你并非是Android应用开发者或者对技术细节不感兴趣的话,直接看他的那篇Android性能优化典范即可,看完之后你会对这一些列视频有一个大概的认识。
- YouTube主页:Android Performance Patterns
- 作者Google+主页:
- Android Performance Patterns的Google+社群:
OK,Let us start!!!