Berkshire Hathaway Inc. has 983,582 shares outstanding, of BPL owns 691,441. B-H has three main operating businesses, the textile operation, the insurance operation (conducted by National Indemnity Company and National Fire & Marine Insurance Company, which will be collectively called the insurance company) and the Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Rockford, Illinois. It also owns Sun Newspapers Inc, Blacker Printing Company and 70% of Gateway Underwriters, but these operations are not financially significant relative to the total.
The textile operation presently employs about 16 per share in capital and, while I think it has made some progress relative to the textile industry generally, cannot be judged a satisfactory business. Its return on capital has not been sufficient to support the assets employed in the business and, realistically, an adequate return has less than an even chance of being averaged in the future. It represents the best segments of the business that existed when we purchased control four and one-half years ago. Capital from the other segments has been successfully redeployed - first, on an interim basis into marketable securities and, now on a permanent basis into insurance and banking. I like the textile operating people - they have worked hard to improve the business under difficult conditions - and, despite the poor return, we expect to continue the textile operation as long as it produces near current levels.
The insurance operation (of which B-H owns virtually 100%) and the bank (where B-H owns 97.7%) present a much happier picture. Both are first-class businesses, earning good returns on capital and stacking up well on any absolute or comparative analysis of operating statistics. The bank has about 17 per share of net tangible assets applicable to B-H, and the insurance company approximately 15. I would estimate their normal current earning power to be about 4 per share (compared to about 3.40 from operations pro-forma in 1968), with good prospects for future growth on the combined 32 of tangible net assets in the bank and insurance company. Adding in the textile business and miscellaneous assets, and substacting parent company bank debt of about 7 million, gives a tangible net asset value of about 43 per share for B-H, or about 45 stated book value, allowing for the premium over tangible assets paid for the bank.
One caveat - when I talk about of tangible net assets. I am valuing the 75 million of bonds held by the insurance company and bank at amortized cost. This is in accord with standard accounting procedures used in those industries and also in accord with the realities of their business operations where it is quite unlikely that bonds will have to be sold before maturity. At today's historically low bond prices, however, our bonds have a market value substantially below carrying value, probably on the order of 10 per share of B-H stock.
12.even chance:胜负相等;一半一半
14.stack up:比较;比高低;站得住脚;符合预期