1. in-depth
In this chapter we take an in-depth look at what it takes to become an expert performer.
释义:thorough, complete, and considering all the details:in-depth study/research/analysis etc
例:an in-depth study of patients’ needs/a series of in-depth interviews
In such cases it can be hard to disentangle the influence of the sibling from that of the parents.
释义:disentangle yourself (from somebody/something) to escape from a difficult situation that you are involved in:
例:She had just disentangled herself from a long relationship.
3. bask
释义:A swimmer basked in the approval and respect of peers.
to enjoy the approval or attention that you are getting from other people
本意是享受日光浴的意思,把日光浴换成人们赞同的目光会更享受 短语bask in
例:She basked in the admiration of the media.
The students became more vested in the process, and their self-image started to include those abilities that were setting them apart from their peers.
释义:vest something in somebody phrasal verb:to give someone the official right to do or own something:
例:Copyright is vested in the author for 50 years
这让我想起了《把时间当作朋友》里谈到的什么是兴趣。这个概念绝对让我paradigm shift.书中说经常听到别人抱怨我做不好某件事情是因为对它没兴趣。这样把锅全部给“兴趣”背了。其实兴趣哪有这么重要,很多时候对某事的兴趣恰好来源于你认真的做某件事情,因为做的足够好,比大多数人优秀,产生了成就感,你才更喜欢做,也就产生了兴趣。