We're going to try something really adventurous today.
What is it?
What's up guys?
Behind us is the Shilin Night Market.
So this is one of the biggest and most popular Night Markets in Taipei.
Let's see what we can find.I have my poncho on,so I have both hands to eat.
Alright, Walter White.
Holy crap.That's bomb.
Here we have Taiwanese popcorn chicken and we got it with some seaweed mayonaise.
Alright let's try this popcorn chicken.
Fresh from the deepfryer.
That's really good man.Holy crap.At the Shilin Markets,there are these enormous slabs of cheesecakes which are baked fresh from the oven,cut to order and look so damn awesome.Wait. Hold on.Oh no you did not! Here, I've got deep fried milk cakes.Let's try it.This is yum.
Does it taste like milk?
It's sweet milk.It's got a crunch on the outside and really smooth and buttery on the inside.It's really hot though.So take small bites.So you can find all kinds of things here at the Shilin Markets.Such as
A big what?
A Big uh..Rooster Pineapple cake
What do you have there?
I've got a sticky Rice roll.That's stuffed with a sausage and mince garlic.It looks good.Let's do it.It's really oily.but the flavours there.It is a bit salty,but there's some pickles in there which helps.It's nice.Want some?
Got some fresh Papaya milk.
The guy just won a cat .What the hell?We're still in Shilin Night Markets.We're going to try something really adventurous today.It's stinky tofu!It's going to be our first time.We're doing it!
i don't want to
We're doing it!
Can't breathe
I'm breathing through my mouth.I'm scared.Let's do this.2 for me.2 for you
3 for you!
Here goes nothing
Look at this.Somebody come have a look at this.Look at this.
Making me gag
I can't do it
I can't eat it then.If you can't eat it, I won't eat it.Yuckkkkk
Nah I can't do it man.Cmon, you can do it.Just have a little bit
Making me gag
Just try a little bit
I don't want to do this
Feel like gagging already
Your making the camera shake
Just put it in.Come on.Tastes good right?How is it?Just eat it.Nah, Nah, Nah.You're at a restaurant, you have to eat it.Can't spit out their food.Your eyes are rolling to the back of your head.Are you foodgasming?Is it that good?Yuckkk.You just spagged everywhere.Keep chewing.What a legend.What a machine
My mouth smells like socks.
Malie and I can not go ahead and finish the rest of the Stinky Tofu.We failed.Alright guys
So that was the Shilin Night Market
there was definitely a lof of variety at the night market
Don't get the stinky tofu
No I think get the stinky tofu.Try it and make your own decision.We hate it though.Thanks for watching guys.
Thanks for watching.