数据下载FTP: ftp://igs.bkg.bund.de/EUREF/obs/
by zzh_my@163.com
The EUREF Permanent GNSS Network (EPN)consists of
- a network of continuously operating GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems, such as GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Beidou, ...) reference stations,
- data centres providing access to the station data,
- analysis centres that analyze the GNSS data,
- product centres or coordinators that generate the EPN products,
- and a Central Bureau that is responsible for the daily monitoring and management of the EPN.
Agency acronym : BKGE
Institution : Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und Geodaesie
: Federal Office for Cartography and Geodesy
Function within EUREF : Local Data Centre for Europe
Mail Address : Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und Geodaesie
: Richard-Strauss-Allee 11
: D-60598 Frankfurt Main
Country : Germany
Primary Contact
Contact Name : Markus Goltz
Telephone : +49-69-6333-274
Fax : +49-69-6333-425
E-Mail : markus.goltz@bkg.bund.de
Secondary Contact
Contact Name : Erwin Wiesensarter
Telephone : +49-69-6333-259
Fax : +49-69-6333-425
E-Mail : erwin.wiesensarter@bkg.bund.de
Third Contact
Contact Name : Wolfgang Soehne
Telephone : +49-69-6333-263
Fax : +49-69-6333-425
E-Mail : wolfgang.soehne@bkg.bund.de
Internet Address : igs.bkg.bund.de (
Telnet Access : -
FTP Access : user: anonymous password: <your e-mail address>
: upload user: ask for name + passwd
WWW Access : ftp://igs.bkg.bund.de
Access Restrictions : s. Other Important Information
Computer/Operating System : HP-ProLiant DL360 G3 2.8 GHz
: redhat-Linux 2.6.32-642.11.1.el6
Amount of data on line : since 1998 and partly since 1991
Access to off-line data : Special arrangements
Extract requested site and epoch from file
IGS/obs/<year>/REPORTyy (see below) and mail
these records to markus.goltz@bkg.bund.de
Other Important Information: The ftp-daemon directs each user to his "home" directory, where upload is possible.
: Redirect is not necessary and not possible.
: All uploaded files are moved directly after completing the upload.
Report updated : 2002.09.19 hbg / 2012.07.06 wi / 2015.06.11 so / 2017.01.31 gol
Directory Filenames Description
EUREF ------ ------ EPN upload directories ------ ------
RINEX2/RINEX3: home directory of user - immediately after upload the files are moved for file checks
EUREF ------ ------ Data of European stations which are not IGS sites ------ ------
EUREF/BRDC/<year>/<day> brdc<ddd>0.<yy>n.Z GPS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx2)
brdc<ddd>0.<yy>g.Z GLO navigation/ephemeris data (Rx2)
[ yy= year ddd= day of year ]
EUREF/obs/<year>/<day> ( file types see IGS below ) permanent storage of GNSS data sets (Rx2, Rx3)
EUREF/obs_v3/<year>/<day> ( file types see IGS below ) permanent storage of GNSS data sets (Rx3 short name)
EUREF/obs/<year> contents_<year>.txt list of online available data sets (Rx2, Rx3)
EUREF/obs_v3/<year> contents_v3_<year>.txt list of online available data sets (Rx3 short name)
EUREF/nrt/<day>/<hour> ( file types see IGS below ) 30 days of hourly files (Rx2, Rx3)
EUREF/nrt_v3/<day>/<hour> ( file types see IGS below ) 30 days of hourly files (Rx3 short name)
EUREF/highrate/<day>/a...x ( file types see IGS below ) 120 days of highrate files (Rx2, Rx3)
EUREF/highrate_v3/<day>/a...x ( file types see IGS below ) 120 days of highrate files (Rx3 short name)
EUREF/products/<gpsweek> <eac><gpsweek>7.snx weekly solutions
<eac><gpsweek><d>.snx daily solutions
<eac><gpsweek><d>r.snx rapid daily solutions
Results of regional european network solutions
[ eac= Analysis Centers (asi,bek,bkg,coe,ign,..) d= day of week ]
EUREF/products/<gpsweek>/nrt<d> <eac><gpsweek><d>_<hh>.snx permanent storage of hourly solutions
[hh = hour of day]
EUREF/station <site>_<yyyy><mm><dd>.log site_log files
[ mm= month dd= day of month ]
EUREF/station/rnxskl <site>.skl skeleton files of site_log files
IGS ------ ------ Data of IGS stations ------ ------
IGS/BRDC/<year>/<day> brdc<ddd>0.<yy>n.Z GPS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx2)
brdc<ddd>0.<yy>g.Z GLO navigation/ephemeris data (Rx2)
IGS/obs/<year>/<day> <site><ddd>0.<yy<d.Z verified GNSS observed data in
compressed Compact_RINEX format (Rx2)
<site><ddd>0.<yy>m.Z METEO data (Rx2)
<site><ddd>0.<yy>n.Z GPS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx2)
<site><ddd>0.<yy>g.Z GLO navigation/ephemeris data (Rx2)
[ yy= year ddd= day of year ]
<site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_<FFF>_MO.crx.gz verified GNSS observed data in
compressed Compact_RINEX format (Rx3)
<site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_<FFF>_MM.rnx.gz METEO data (Rx3)
<site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_GN.rnx.gz GPS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3)
<site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_RN.rnx.gz GLO navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3)
<site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_EN.rnx.gz GAL navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3)
<site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_JN.rnx.gz QZS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3)
<site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_CN.rnx.gz BDS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3)
<site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_SN.rnx.gz SBS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3)
<site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_MN.rnx.gz mixed navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3)
[ CCC= country code S= data source
YYYY= year DDD= day of year HH= hour of day MM= minute -nominal naming-
FFF= observation frequency ]
IGS/obs_v3/<year>/<day> <site><ddd>0.<yy>d.Z verified GNSS observed data in
compressed Compact_RINEX format (Rx3 short name)
<site><ddd>0.<yy>m.Z METEO data (Rx3 short name)
<site><ddd>0.<yy>n.Z GPS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3 short name)
<site><ddd>0.<yy>g.Z GLO navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3 short name)
<site><ddd>0.<yy>l.Z GAL navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3 short name)
<site><ddd>0.<yy>q.Z QZS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3 short name)
<site><ddd>0.<yy>f.Z BDS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3 short name)
<site><ddd>0.<yy>h.Z SBS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3 short name)
<site><ddd>0.<yy>p.Z mixed navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3 short name)
IGS/obs/<year> contents_<year>.txt list of online available data sets (Rx2, Rx3)
IGS/obs/<year> REPORT<year>-CD list of available CD-ROM data sets
IGS/obs_v3/<year> contents_v3_<year>.txt list of online available data sets (Rx3 short name)
IGS/nrt/<day>/<hour> <site><ddd><s>.<yy><t>.Z 30 days of hourly files (Rx2)
<site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_<FFF>_MO.crx.gz verified GNSS observed data in
compressed Compact_RINEX format (Rx3)
<site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_<T>N.rnx.gz GNSS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3)
IGS/nrt_v3/<day>/<hour> <site><ddd><s>.<yy>t.Z 30 days of hourly files (Rx3 short name)
[ s= session t= RINEX2 type T= RINEX3 satellite sysTem ]
IGS/highrate/<year>/<day>/a...x <site><ddd><s><mm>.<yy>d.Z 120 days of highrate observation data files (Rx2)
<site>00<CCC>_<S>_<YYYY><DDD><HH><MM>_<FFF>_MO.crx.gz verified GNSS observed data in compressed
Compact_RINEX format (Rx3)
IGS/highrate_permanent/<year>/<day>/a...x permanent storage of highrate observation data files
IGS/highrate_v3/<day>/a...x <site><ddd><s><mm>.<yy>d.Z 120 days of highrate obs.data files (Rx3 short name)
[ mm= minutes ]
IGS/products/orbits/<gpsweek> GPS CODE orbits and IGS orbits
IGS/products/rapid/<gpsweek> GPS CODE rapid orbits
IGS/products/glo_orbits/<gpsweek> GLO IGS orbits
IGS/products/EOP_ERP Earth Orientation + Earth Rotation Parameters
IGS/station <site>_<yyyy><mm><dd>.log site_log files
IGS/station/rnxskl <site>.skl skeleton files of site_log files
MGEX ------ ------ Data of IGS MGEX stations ------ ------
MGEX/BRDC_v3/<year>/<day> brdm<ddd>0.<yy>p.Z GNSS navigation/ephemeris data (Rx3 short name)
MGEX/obs/<year>/<day> ( file types see IGS above ) permanent storage of GNSS data sets (Rx2, Rx3)
MGEX/obs_v3/<year>/<day> ( file types see IGS above ) permanent storage of GNSS data sets (Rx3 short name)
MGEX/obs/<year> contents_<year>.txt list of online available data sets (Rx2, Rx3)
MGEX/obs_v3/<year> contents_v3_<year>.txt list of online available data sets (Rx3 short name)
MGEX/nrt/<day>/<hour> ( file types see IGS above ) 30 days of hourly files (Rx2, Rx3)
MGEX/nrt_v3/<day>/<hour> ( file types see IGS above ) 30 days of hourly files (Rx3 short name)
MGEX/highrate/<year>/<day>/a...x ( file types see IGS above ) 120 days of highrate files (Rx2, Rx3)
MGEX/highrate_v3/<day>/a...x ( file types see IGS above ) 120 days of highrate files (Rx3 short name)
MGEX/station <site>_<yyyy><mm><dd>.log site_log files
MGEX/station/rnxskl <site>.skl skeleten files of site_log files
GREF ------ ------ Data of German stations which are neither IGS nor EUREF ------ ------
GREF/obs/<year>/<day> ( file types see IGS above ) permanent storage of GNSS data sets (Rx2, Rx3)
GREF/nrt/<day>/<hour> ( file types see IGS above ) 30 days of hourly files (Rx2, Rx3)
GREF/products/<gpsweek> grf<gpsweek><d>.tro daily solutions
grf<gpsweek>7.snx weekly solutions
------ ------ ------ ------ ------
MISC ------ ------ Miscelaneous Data ------ ------
ITRF2008 - coordinates and velocities
MISC/software GNSS relevant programs and other utillities
MISC/DATA_FORMATS GNSS relevant format definitions
MISC/DATA_HOLDINGS Status of availability of RINEX and SINEX files