After Moore's law The future of computing - part I
In November that year Intel launched the first commercial microprocessor chip, the 4004, containing 2,300 tiny transistors, each the size of a red blood cell.
[解释] A small electronic device containing a semiconductor and having at least three electrical contacts, used in a circuit as an amplifier, a detector, or a switch 晶体管:一种小型电子装置,包含一个半导体和至少三个电接头并构成一个电路,用作扩音器、检波器或开关Countless industries have been upended by digital disruption.
[解释]To overturn or overthrow;颠倒;颠覆
- According to his rule of thumb, known as Moore's law, processing power doubles roughly every two years as smaller transistors are packed ever more tightly onto silicon wafers, boosting performance and reducing costs. **
[分析] ing短语的用法
the 4004###
[解释] Intel purchased the rights from Nippon Calculating Machine Corporation and launched the Intel® 4004 processor and its chipset with an advertisement in the November 15, 1971, issue of Electronic News: ”Announcing A New Era In Integrated Electronics.”
That’s when the Intel® 4004 became the first general-purpose programmable processor on the market—a "building block" that engineers could purchase and then customize with software to perform different functions in a wide variety of electronic devices.
Moore's law###
[解释] 计算机第一定律——摩尔定律Moore定律1965年,戈登·摩尔(Gordon Moore)准备一个关于计算机存储器发展趋势的报告。他整理了一份观察资料。在他开始绘制数据时,发现了一个惊人的趋势。每个新芯片大体上包含其前任两倍的容量,每个芯片的产生都是在前一个芯片产生后的18-24个月内。如果这个趋势继续的话,计算能力相对于时间周期将呈指数式的上升。Moore的观察资料,就是现在所谓的Moore定律,所阐述的趋势一直延续至今,且仍不同寻常地准确。人们还发现这不光适用于对存储器芯片的描述,也精确地说明了处理机能力和磁盘驱动器存储容量的发展。该定律成为许多工业对于性能预测的基础。在26年的时间里,芯片上的晶体管数量增加了3200多倍,从1971年推出的第一款4004的2300个增加到奔腾II处理器的750万个。
Technology Quarterly###
[解释] 这里引用了另外一篇相关的文章,出处:
put phrases here###