W15L21-L22-电商企业案例分析 W16L23-L24-商业综合案例分析

2.阅读一篇以上Consumption upgrade相关英文文章,按最新要求列出相关内容


文章主旨:Consumption upgrade drives China’s economy

关键词: multinational        consumption      Economist predicts       occasions       product quality

upgrade equipment        upgrade equipment         restructuring       new growth momentums.



文章主旨:The Internet has revolutionized our lives to such an extent that for most people, the global network

关键单词:global network    go online as wireless networks    online store    cold shivers    revolution

ghostly    Walmarts    aversion    Time is money      mobile technology and the introduction

the ones we love, our friends and hobbies

2、 productlifecyclestages.com/

文章主旨:Product Life Cycle Stages

关键单词:life cycle      Product Life Cycle Stages Explained    research and development

competitive sector.      Growth Stage      economies      Maturity Stage    Decline Stage

marketing      shrinkage      saturated      decline stage


文章主旨:Defining the concept of supply chain quality management and its relevance to academic and industrial practice

关键词:uality     managementSupply     chain        managementSurveyConceptual frameworksIntegrative      process     management

质量managementSupply链managementSurveyConceptual frameworksIntegrative流程管理


文章主旨:Supply Chain Management Articles Library - SCM | Supply Chain ...

关键词:Supply Chain Management      competitive advantage      Transparency

build market opportunities    talent challenges      Global Logistics  operate globally

Evolution of Supply Management      Prestige Economics      Global Chemical Industry 

produces precursors and intermediates      energy costs     feed, labor costs and regulations.


文章主旨:Reasons to Earn an MBA Outside the U.S.

关键词:Application Trends Survey Report lower price tagtop U.S. or global MBA program

You'll build an international network      more attractive to employers        schools offer

globe-trotting        working in international locations international experience

five must-haves in a globally focused MBA. elite U.S. GMATorGRE

University of Oxfordprograms more accessible.

6、What Is a Business Model?

文章主旨:What Is a Business Model?

关键词:Michael Lewis        dot.com bubble      half-baked plans          Lewis himself echoes

business thinkers            theory of the business definition of strategy.                                            “Why Business Models Matterdesign or foresight        model businesses



文章主旨:Real-World Education for Modern Marketers

关键词:marketers,       , B2B Marketing       Attribution Modeling        Lead Scoring

Personalization        Machine-learning        infographic     marketing and sales communications


文章主旨:Real-World Education for Modern Marketers

关键词:malls and stores     , Email Marketing, Engagement,   Retail Marketing, Technology   

infographic      consumer-generate


文章主旨:C2C (group)

关键词:Beat TorrentturntablismNantesHocus PocusDisco Mix Club

European Border Breakers AwardsTriple J's Hottest 100


文章主旨:Build a configurable, retail-ready chatbot

关键词:Watson Discovery       Cloudant NoSQL DB         Watson Conversation 

Cloudant NoSQL DB      customize      purchaseDeploy to Bluemix

repositoryLaunch tool        


文章主旨:Latest Blog Posts

关键词:ecommerce overall        internationally     incredible           APEC SME

Conference     Millennials      merchants,     marketplaces      embassies


文章主旨:Snap is having a bad day

关键词:releasedquarterrecent-IPO status        issue        comparison

Facebook.       alternative       creeping up       expenditures       


主题:Alibaba's Singles' Day: What We Know About The World's Biggest Shopping Event

关键词:launched        participating       dominates      importance      revenue      e-commerce

e-commerce       midnight      introducing       Singlesinnovation     merchants


文章主旨:A present perfect story: Viral video has saved the radio star

关键词:globally       mellifluous     “God-given voice       struggledwith       Christmas holidays

In response      reinforce     Accusation        broadcasting        


文章主旨:What Is an Internet Content Provider?

关键词:Comcast      surface      sprung      cable connections      multiple formats        breaking news

Netflix      LIVESTRONG      freelance editors        negotiation      crammed with     


文章主旨 :eCommerce

关键词:merchant      layout      accessible      overwhelming       fulfillment       customization     

marketplaceAlternative Payments    ack-end system       volume       


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