For a long time, I don’t understand what is Americans Dream.
I thought it’s just patriotism. Having spent a week here in Boston, I started to understand and experience what’s the American Dream.
American Dream is not just a slogan. It is an ethos.
“All men are created equal with the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness”. - Declaration of Independence
“To secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”. - US Constitution
It’s about equality and freedom, of which through hard work, you can be whatever you want to be, so as long as that is your choice.
In my class, we had around 20 of us, with 3 foreign nations. Out of the 3, I was the only one who doesn’t live in the States, Among us we had Harvard Professor, Managing Consultant, ex Investment Banker, Navy Seal Support Officer, University Career Advisor, HR officers (of course), Coach and .... me, the inspired Coach and Trainer.
Our Trainer is someone who had worked as career advisor for many years, and she realised she wanted to be an artist after discovering her type, and then moved on and worked as an artist, who sold arts for thousands. She was 33 when she started to become an artist. It is her choice.
Over one of the lunch time, I shared with my fellow classmate what I saw when I walked past a church.
As a Protestant, I am certainly proud of what this church chose to promote. This is equality and liberty.
In another occasion, my classmate who works with the Navy Seal (an elite part of the US army) told me the support they give to servicemen and the kind of assessment and training one has to go through prior getting into the submarine and disconnect from the world for months. Most importantly, they have all kinds of programme to retrain ex serviceman and enable them to find jobs post military life. This is about creating opportunities.
Everyday I walked to the course, about 4km each way.
You see all kinds of people doing whatever they chose to do, running, mum with babies playing, deliverymen rushing, workmen busy working, or just individuals having a quiet moment reading.
Boston is a town of elite universities, we have MIT, Harvard, and some of the best medical institutes are here, like Tufts.
It is a city with diversity. It’s also a city with history.
If you look up, you are surrounded by beautiful historic building and you see history story around every corner. Boston Tea Party movement, Boston massacre was here and there is a Freedom Trial of which you can walk through to understand role of Boston during American Revolution.
I once stopped at a street corner watching this team trying to restore a historic building. The heavy crane was lifting up a stone craves corner of which they managed to secure on the top of the roof. It is about protecting history and heritage.
When you are here, you can’t help it but to feel positive, and wanting to pursue your own dream. This doesn’t come cheap. It requires efforts, and only when we value it and protect it, then we will have it.
So, what is your dream? And are you ready to create the environment and protect your thoughts while realising your dream?