Compare and Contrast Essay怎么写:结构、常用短语及例文
虽然日常生活中我们都知道对比很简单 (roses are red, violets are blue), 比较也没有任何问题(both violets and roses are flowers),但比较和对比型论文算是一种相对难写的essay形式,它通常用于两个事物或两种观点之间进行的对比和比较。想要写出一篇优秀的对比与比较论文,需要掌握一些写作技巧。接下来小编就来介绍一下compare and contrast essay怎么写、其结构类型及常用的过渡性短语。为了让大家对比较和对比论文有一个更深入的了解,我们提供compare and contrast essay例文及点评。
Compare and Contrast Essay定义:比较论文+对比论文
Compare and contrast essay,亦即比较和对比论文,是指对于两个或两以上事物、情况或过程的分析,其主要特点是不可缺少的两个事物之间相似点和不同点的阐述。望文生义,compare(比较)指论文所探讨事物之间寻找相同点的过程,而contrast(对比)指寻找事物之间不同点的过程。从本质上讲,比较和对比论文实际上属于两种论文(比较论文和对比论文),虽然两者经常一起出现,但实际上比较和对比是两种不同的论文形式。
老师布置compare and contrast essay的目的竟然不是为了让学生陈述显而易见的事实。实际上,比较和对比论文倾向于展示两个事物之间微妙差异或者我们没想到的相似之处。比如说,如果需要对比某些东西,学生之所以不能选择苹果和橙子,是因为苹果和橙子具有十分明显的差异。最好拿出两品种苹果,如适合爱酸朋友们的甘肃黄元帅和甜蜜的云南野苹果。两品种的对比阐述给喜欢吃苹果的读者提供一些新知识,并让他们决定更喜欢吃哪种。
Compare and Contrast Essay的结构:三种类型
Subject by Subject:分话题式
Subject by subject(又称分块式),亦即我们可以先论述第一个事物的特点,而在此完成之后第二个事物里找出于前者相似和不同点。大致框架如下:
· 开头:
It’s better to live on campus than with parents during college times.
· 正文:
1)情况1: live on campus
-情况1对比比较点1: advantages (less control, rich social life);
-情况1对比比较点2: disadvantages (missing family, accommodation fees);
2)情况2: live with parents
- 情况2对比比较点1: advantages (parents can help with chores, e.g. laundry and cooking; privacy of your own room);
- 情况2对比比较点2: disadvantages (fall out of campus life).
· 结尾
Point by Point:逐点式
Point by point,亦即正文每段仅用一个对比比较点来探讨两个事物:
· 开头:
It’s better to live on campus than with parents during college times.
· 正文:
1)对比比较点1: parents’ control
- 情况1(living on campus)You live independently, don’t have as much control;
- 情况2 (living with parents) Parents can help you with everyday routine and chores.
2)对比比较点2: social life
- 情况1(living on campus)Meeting new people all the time;
- 情况2 (living with parents) We can have more privacy while still going out with friends when we want to.
· 结尾
Compare then Contrast:比较再对比
Compare then contrast,亦即先展开两个事物之间的相似点,再去探讨不同之处:
· 开头:
It’s better to live on campus than with parents during college times.
· 正文:
1. 情况1和情况2的相似点
- you can always get help from roommates or your family;
- you still see your college friends during classes;
- if you’re active, you’ll participate in campus life regardless of where you live.
2. 情况1和情况2的不同点
- housework is entirely on your shoulders if you live on campus;
- you don’t have as much privacy as you had living at home;
- commute troubles getting to classes from home;
- accommodation fee if living on campus.
· 结尾