雅思 道德vs核心课程
道德moral principles, behavior norms. distinguish right and wrong
virtues and moral values, moral compass, social values, politeness, behave in a socially accepted way
课程core subjects, academic performance, academic subjects/ courses, key disciplines核心课程
学生students, young generations, individuals
Schools are normally seen as the place where the next generation can increase their knowledge to improve their employability. Though academic subjects are important to their career achievement, students who do not learn the difference between right and wrong are not likely success in their career.
Admittedly, many teachers suggest that students should concentrate on core subjects, because the academic performance in these courses can determine whether they can enter university in the future. What students can learn in academic courses can provide a firm grounding for university and help them find decent jobs. For example, students who acquire mathematical skills at school can learn how to build models to analyse data at university and work as financial analysts and engineers after their graduation. In contrast, they are less likely to focus on key disciplines, if they are required to spent time in studying moral principles and behavior norms.
However, some educators are advocators of imparting some important virtues and moral values into students. These experience enable them to make good use of their knowledge to contribute positively to the whole society and they also can behave in a socially accepted way rather than using bad language or cheating others. For instance, students who have the awareness of social responsibility are more likely to design safe products which benefit consumers, if they work as an engineer in a manufacturing sector in the future.
In addition, young generation cannot be successful if they are not able to distinguish right from wrong. Unlike adults, many students lack self discipline and they do not know the consequence of bad behaviors, moral education can help them show good manners and politeness to others. Thus, they can keep company with others and establish close relationship with colleagues when they start working, which is the key to career achievement. If they do not realize this, they are not likely to achieve success in future career life.(they will not have a job prospect in their future career.)
To sum up , students can benefit from moral principles and behavior norms. Although core disciplines may help them enter a good university, moral education can promise a decent future because of their politeness.