how google works 读书笔记



作者在书中写到:During the three years we’ve been writing this book这本书写了三年,处处都是干货。序言里面有一段话:德高望重的思科公司首席执行官约翰钱伯斯曾说过,在20世纪90年代初期,他经常与惠普公司CEO鲁普拉特会面,讨论战略和管理问题。有一次,钱伯斯问普拉特为什么要花如此多宝贵的时间帮助另一家公司的以为年轻高管。普拉特先生回答道:这就是硅谷。我们就是来帮助你的。同样,乔布斯秉承着同样的理念常常为邻居拉里佩奇出谋划策。









※Smart creative and hiring related:

passionis crucial in a potential hire, as isintelligenceand alearning-animal mindset. Another crucial qualityis character.

Someone who isinteresting.

Great talent often doesn’t look and act like you. When you go into that interview, check your biases at the door and focus on whether or not the person has thepassion, intellect, and character to succeed and excel.【感觉能把事和人区分的清楚,真的很重要。

You probably know someone whose résumé is truly exceptional: someone who climbed K2, is an Olympic-class hockey player, published a critically acclaimed novel, worked her way through college and finished cum laude, just had an art exhibit, started a (real) nonprofit, speaks four languages, owns three patents, codes top-100 apps for fun, plays lead guitar in a band, and once danced onstage with Bruno Mars.【怀着极其自卑的心看这些。。。

You are right. We want to hire the best minds available, because we believe there is a big difference between people who are great and those who are good, and we will do everything we can to separate the two.【感觉自己连good都不算。。

While you want to ask thoughtful questions, you should also identify the candidates who ask thoughtful questions. People who ask good questions are curious, smarter, more flexible and interesting, and understand that they don’t have all the answers— exactly the type of smart-creative characteristics you want.

At Google we break down candidate evaluations into four different categories, and we keep these categories consistent across functions. From sales to finance to engineering, smart creatives tend to score well on all of these, regardless of what they do or at what level. The categories and descriptions:leadership.Role-related knowledge.General cognitive ablility.Googleleyness.

【reading is a happy thing for me. I am not smart creative, and not in a circumstance around by smart creative. However, I can read the book written by them. I have a chance to know their fabulous ideas and learn a lot from them】

Supercomputer pioneer Seymour Cray used to deliberately hire for inexperience because it brought him people who “do not usually know what’s supposed to be impossible.”【某投资公司招人的时候的时候用的广告,喜欢】

※Meritocracy【这个词我爱】Sterling character, smart creative

dissent must be an obligation, not an option.

Meritocracy is really an attractive concept. I think work in a place where people don’t care who you are, just what you do is amazing.

for a meritocracy to work, it needs to engender a culture where there is an obligation to dissent.

Career development advice:

Navigating the best waves in the best places. Find them, hook in, and hang on.【my goal

“You’ve got to be careful if you don’t know where you’re going ’cause you might not get there.”【Professional in my work field ;an amateur painting

Here are some simple steps to creating a plan: Think about your ideal job, not today but five years from now. Where do you want to be? What do you want to do? How much do you want to make? Write down the job description: If you saw this job on a website, what would the posting look like? Now fast forward four or five years and assume you are in that job. What does your five-years-from-now résumé look like? What’s the path you took from now to then to get to your best place? Keep thinking about that ideal job, and assess your strengths and weaknesses in light of it. What do you need to improve to get there? This step requires external input, so talk to your manager or peers and get their take on it. Finally, how will you get there? What training do you need? What work experience? By the way, if your conclusion is that you are ready for your ideal job today, then you aren’t thinking big enough. Start over and make that ideal job a stretch, not a gimme. If you follow these steps, it will work. If you don’t follow them, you will likely prove Yogi Berra’s point that “You’ve got to be careful if you don’t know where you’re going ’cause you might not get there.”【这段关于工作的说的太棒啦!

Sheryl Sandberg: “It is the ultimate luxury to combine passion and contribution. It’s also a very clear path to happiness.”

Adjust your course. Make your five-years-out ideal job closer to your if-only-I-could dream job, yet attainable from your current path. We’ve seen even this simple act of setting the right goal turn around people’s careers.【Closing to my dream job

Email wisdom:

1. respond quickly

Being responsive sets up a positive communications feedback loop whereby your team and colleagues will be more likely to include you in important discussions and decisions, and being responsive to everyone reinforces the flat, meritocratic culture you are trying to establish.

2. When writing an email, every word matters, and useless prose doesn’t. You have to write a draft then go through it and eliminate any words that aren’t necessary.

3. Clean out your inbox constantly. Only hold it once. If you read the note and know what needs doing, do it right away. Otherwise you are dooming yourself to rereading it, which is 100% waste time.

4. Handle email in LIFO( last in first out)

5. Remember, you’re a router. In the end of day, make a mental pass through the email you received and ask yourself”what should I have forwarded but did not? ”

Google ‘s  Slogan

Long term focus

Serving end users

Don’t be evil

Making the world a better place

Other inspiring words

The answer lies in understanding that when it comes to making decisions,you can’t just focus on making the right one. The process by which you reach the decision, the timing of when you reach it, and the way it is implemented are just as important as the decision itself.

We don’t seek to convince by saying “I think.” We convince by saying “Let me show you.”【说理的时候就得这样呀

Consensus is not about getting everyone to agree. Instead, it’s about coming to the best idea for the company and rallying around it.【important notion: the difference about consensus and all agree

To innovate, you must learn to fail well. Learn from your mistakes:

If you are thinking big enough it is very hard to fail completely.

“Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.”

At Amazon we like things to work in five to seven years. We’re willing to plant seeds, let them grow— and we’re very stubborn. We say we’restubborn on vision and flexible on details.”【这话太好了!】【亚马逊是家神奇的公司,应该多了解下】

A corporation’s relationship with consumers is one-way. GM decides how to design, manufacture and market a new product to its consumers, and sells it through a network of dealerships. In contrast, a platform has a back-and-forth relationship with consumers and suppliers. There’s a lot more give-and-take. Amazon is a corporation, but it is also a marketplace where buyers and sellers come together. Amazon does not just dictate what it sells to consumers. Consumers tell Amazon what they are looking for, and Amazon sources it for them. Consumers have a voice; they can rate products and services.difference between the corporation and platform

The same goes for hubs infinance (New York, London, Hong Kong, Frankfurt, Singapore), fashion (New York, Paris, Milan), entertainment (Los Angeles, Mumbai), diamonds (Antwerp, Surat), biotech (Boston, Basel), energy (Houston, Dhahran), shipping (Singapore, Shanghai), cars (southern Germany), and most other industries【where will I go? Intersect between finance and art

When it comes to smart creatives, physical location matters more than ever.【在哪里真的很重要呀!

When starting a new company or initiative, culture is the most important thing to consider.【现在公司的氛围我就很喜欢,主要是身边的人太好

A fine marker of smart creatives is passion.

But if you have a growth mindset, you believe the qualities that define you can be modified and cultivated through effort. You can change yourself; you can adapt; in fact, you are more comfortable and do better when you are forced to do so.【改变

No matter what a person’s job is, they should be encouraged to have opinions about the business, industry, customers and partners, and different cultures.I should have those opinions

Make sure you would work for yourself.

The best tool we have found for this is the self-review: At least once per year, write a review of your own performance, then read it and see if you would work for you. Then share it with the people who do in fact work for you. Thais will elicit greater insights than the standard 360-degree review process, because when you are initiating criticism of yourself it gives others the freedom to be more honest.

Office should be designed to maximize energy and interactions, not for isolation and status.

A few important principles about how the company should be organized:keep it flat.

Knaves and divas. You should protect divas, as long as their achievements outweigh the collateral damage caused by their diva ways. Knaves need to be dealt with as quickly as possible.

Say yes. I think in workplace say yes is a virtue.You have ensure that people around you is knight not knave.

Overworked in a good way. I think work-life balance is a lie. Work is part of my life.【Now, I think work is the priority thing that I want to focus on.

Technical insight: Giving the customer what he wants is less important than giving him what he doesn’t yet know he wants.【cool concept

Growth is not enough.  Scaling needs to be a core part of your foundation.

In the technology industry, companies always think platforms not products. There are platform opportunities all around us. The successful leaders are the ones who discover them.

With open, you trade control for scale and innovation.

※Commonsense from the book that I did not know before:

Burning manis cool. I want to participate in this activity someday.

罗德奖学金(Rhodes Scholarships)



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Moore’s Law摩尔定律当价格不变时,集成电路上可容纳的元器件的数目,约每隔18-24个月便会增加一倍,性能也将提升一倍。换言之,每一美元所能买到的电脑性能,将每隔18-24个月翻一倍以上。这一定律揭示了信息技术进步的速度。

Dutch auction减价式拍卖

Capital hurdle rate最低资本回报率

rubik's cube魔方Photomosaics马赛克

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